
This is a very unique track and it's hard to tell what was meant to sound the way it does and what actually needs some work, so I'm just gonna give my opinion on things.

Once the drums come in around 0:36 there is also an arp that comes in and I find the arp makes it hard to concentrate on any element of the mix in particular. I think it just needs to be mixed in better, maybe panned less and, if it's not, sidechain the kick to it. The feeling of unease and confusion also fades once the arp leaves and the guitar/bass thing comes in.

Around 1:12 you add the reverby bongos back into the mix, but I can barely hear them due to the guitar bass. I'm pretty sure you can just make them louder in this section, but if that's not what you wanna do consider EQing out the frequencies in other instruments where the bongo plays.

I really enjoyed the section after the one at 1:12 up until 2:37. I like the bell you put in and while I still think there's some room to improve the mix, it works well as it is now.

The instrument that comes in around 3:09 could be a tad louder. I like the melodic thing it does at 3:12 but it's hard to hear and could use some spotlight.

I really like the outro that just sounds fresh, but maybe make it a tad longer and fade out or something similar.

All in all, I really like the concept and the vibe that the song has. It's like a modern pop rock tune. Nice job!
The mix is this songs biggest weak point. Try to give each element its own space in the mix, cause that's gonna take it to the next level.

Hope this helps!

Thanks @novili for the great comments! They're very detailed, I like that because mixing/mastering is definitely one of my weakest points. I'm getting more into it lately, in order to - as you say correctly - take my tracks to the next level. So I'll definitely go through the track again with your comments and see if I can make improvements! That being said, I do try to create sort of unique tracks that don't sound like the 'generic' electronic music on the radio nowadays. So if it does sound 'strange' or 'different' to people, I do at least partially see that as a compliment :)

I'm glad I could help :)
and hey I didn't mean to say different is bad just that it's hard for me to give feedback out of my genre. I'm always excited by things that sound super out there shows a good level of creativity :)

I agree, creativity - and originality- in music is very important! Thanks again!

well well well i have already gushed over this tune so i am appy to give my thoughts again. i like this tune that much. It is simple, it feels like it is in somewhere. it has a lovely environment. originality. grit. heart, and passion. i hear room for lyrics. i mentioned before that I almost wanna write some for the tune. it has grand emotion and reminds me of the band Future Islands. which is one of my favorites! this just a great track!

Yeah i totally agree with @hilladigahackles..i my self feel like dropping some flows on this tune..kinda wish i produced great work again @mindseye-music

Thanks for the positivity @hilladigahackles! And it's an honor to be compared to Future Islands! I wonder, when you say you hear room for lyrics...would that be male or female vocals?

i could hear either actually!

Great track! When them drums kick in it really gets you bouncing. The lead synth is a really nice melody. The only thing I'd change is maybe lower the bass, but then it could be just my headphones being bass heavy thats making me think that. Overall really enjoyed the track. Cool melodies and the speech at the start fits perfectly

Thanks @fresheiremusic, I'll keep that in mind. I don't necessarily feel like the bass is too heavy, so yes I think that might be the headphones ;)