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RE: How to make Smartphones even SMARTER!

in #smartphone8 years ago (edited)


Just to verify your claim that at least one 3rd world or developing country can watch broadcast T.V. on their smartphone.

Please give details that can be verified!

That was what I was talking about when you said it already available.

Please give more details as to which third world countries. have radio chips in them that receive broadcast tv like similar radio chips send and receive blue tooth, wifi, and mobile data.

Why do you keep me waiting? Thats ok to keep me waiting, It just looks like you are fantasizing or dont have a truthful answer or proof. That's O.K., But please back it up in the future.

Even if it take more time to study, I love the example, backup info or reference when it is asked for.

I asked nicely. Can you respond nicely with the names of those countries that have radio chips, like the others, but for a T.V. broadcast frequencies.


Sorry. I just realised that you may have completely misunderstood the concept , now that T.V. is rebroadcasted over the internet digitally instead of broadcast radio RF.

My apologies, if so.