SmartCash Leaks - Episode 2 - TipBots Up

As I'm writing this, all the tipbots that I was in charge of on Twitter, STEEM, Discord and Telegram are back up and working as usual with previous balances untouched. In case you missed my previous post and the comments, this became possible through donations from myself and @decentralizd. I have only removed the balances of the founders aka JuicyG/Solarminer/Alex, since they're in charge of emptying the wallets and we have a lot to settle and if they want to settle it, they're welcome to contact me.
Another news is that the amatuer version of the rpc explorer is now running on a new domain HERE I personally purchased with an invite link to our new Discord. If we want the full version, I'm going to need some donations to afford a proper server. It's sad that for a self-funded and community-driven project, I'm banned from literally everywhere and have to ask for donations to bring back the rpc explorer instead of submitting a proposal and receiving funds from the addresses that have 70% of the block rewards and are controlled by the founders.
Furthermore, let me share with you one message I've seen from one of the founders in response to the 7M paycheck I raised in my first post. This is the weakest response. Change addresses are not the first output and how can it be that this address has been draining the smart rewards for like 10 months and this guy hasn't noticed? And if you add this 7M to dev funds, dev funds will be almost 10M more than say outreach or support. This is all our own fault though. Blockchains are supposed to eliminate or reduce our trust in humans. We shouldn't have signed up for this from day one so I blame myself more than anyone else.
On antoher side of the story, @decentralizd released a video and spent about 35 minutes highlighting some of the problems which I'd like to share again here for anyone interested. If you haven't watched this video, make sure you do. The founders so far are soooo dense it seems unlikely for any change to happen which leaves us with the only option of forking away. If you want to be involved with our opposition to the way the founders have treated the average community members, feel free to join the new Discord. The new domain also points to our new discord which can be easily memorized:
Lastly, I have left a couple of comments on the first episode defending myself against the slanderous post of the founders of smartcash. You can read them too if you want and haven't. If you do, please make sure you don't forget to read this one HERE. I also like to add that I have never claimed to be perfect and I'm not going to defend what I've done anymore. Let's assume what I've done is wrong and move on to the real problem. I have not cost the average community member any damge whatsoever - it was never my intention nor my plan - and I have chipped in from my own funds to bring the bots back up. So let's not deflect from the real problem that caused me to use my leverage in this way in order to get the attention of public in the hope that public pressure may bring about much needed change before it's too late.
PS. Looks like change addresses are put in random places and I got it wrong but that story by solarminer is a farce and I'm still not buying it! There is no way he wouldn't have noticed. Budget addresses have always been on the top of the rich list and the rich list was only taken down recently at the request of the founders. 20M coins is a huge amount to go missing and unnoticed in the rich list!
Can you stop spamming my posts with the link to your bullshit? I've already put a link to your bullshit in my post. It's not like I'm afraid people might find out about your bullshit since I've already responsed to it. Would you dare to put a link to my post from your bullshit? I doubt it.
Great article, thanks for sharing. SmartCash seems a great project!
Flagged down because you didnt even read this post obviously.
As of approximately 4:00PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on Friday, September 7th the SmartCash tipbots, telegram bridge bot, and original RPC explorer became inaccessible.
The former SmartCash developer managing those services, Markus (msg768), deactivated the servers and demanded a ransom payment of 5,000,000 SMART ($128,505 USD equivalent) in order to return these services to an operational state and hand over the code and password to the wallet, which was not paid.
The SmartCash team is committed to returning full access to tipbots and associated balances as soon as possible. At this time we recommend you do not send any further SMART to your former tipbot addresses or use the SmartCash TipBot on Twitter and all other SmartCash tipbots until further notice.
The password to the tipbot wallet was left in the server logs allowing the community balances to be secured, however Markus had corrupted the filesystems to attempt to keep SmartCash from restoring data. An initial analysis shows that approximately 70,000 ($1,800 USD equivalent ) of the total 100,000 SMART tipbot balance has already been stolen by Markus, corresponding to a number of tips that were sent on Twitter but were left unclaimed. The remaining 30,000 SMART ($771 USD equivalent) have been moved to new addresses to prevent Markus from stealing the remaining amounts. The tipbot code has been forked on GitHub and tipbots will be online again once a full security audit has been completed.
Markus’ decision to steal community funds and demand a ransom payment was unethical, unprofessional, and deceptive. It is standard practice in the SmartCash Development Hive to share private code repositories with at least two other team members. When Markus had been asked to do this over the last several weeks he had become increasingly evasive, making excuses why he could not do so. At this time, all SmartCash Developers have confirmed to be following the code sharing and shared access requirements that were set to ensure decentralization.
SmartCash will provide updates when the updated tipbot services are online again. We are committed to improving them with better stability, enhanced security, and new integrations and features. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work to restore services.