Help save the world with #SmartCash!

in #smartcash7 years ago

Help us save the world with #SmartCash!

This an awesome investment opportunity for the first few investors of an awesome product that will help save the world! A #SmartCashContest Submission...

Watch the video above or read the research below and then please visit:

Also, If you would like to learn more about SmartCash please visit

You visit the grocery store to get food to eat, right?

Most people do; studies show that over 32 percent of every American family’s income goes directly towards buying food. It's probably one of the most important parts of our lives to sustain when the economy turns downward since we’ve gotten so used to our grocery stores and energy usage patterns.

Most of the investors I've been speaking with today tell me they’ve recently had a Whole Foods market pop up in their area. Now don't get me wrong, Whole Foods is a good environmental initiative, but the costs are high and getting higher every day. As you can see in the pie chart, the average family spends just as much on food as it does on monthly rent (Point to the 3 on the demo sheet). So, how’d we end up spending a third of our income on food?

To find the answer, we have to go back four decades to the 1970s, when rising food prices and technological developments led to a host of transformative changes in the US food system whose effects still determine the way many Americans eat. In response to rising food costs and growing demand amongst the expanding middle class, Nixon's secretary of agriculture, Earl Butz, turned the country's agricultural subsidy program—originally instituted to help stabilize food supply and farmers' incomes after the volatility of the Great Depression—into a support mechanism for the industrial production of corn and soy.

Butz's policy of "get big or get out"—made possible by advancements in industrial food production, including technological developments and an abundance of cheap fossil fuels used to make fertilizer and pesticides—encouraged the consolidation of small farmers' plots into gigantic holdings and led to the rise of agribusiness in place of the family farm. (Battistoni, A. 2012, February 1).

This forced every middle class family to depend upon super large grocery stores and their locations!
This results in what is known as “Food Deserts” across the country.

“Food deserts” are geographic areas where access to affordable, healthy food options (aka fresh fruits and veggies) is limited or nonexistent because grocery stores are too far away. About 23.5 million people live in food deserts. (11 Facts About Food Deserts. n.d.).

So, not only are prices extremely high, but there are still people in America don’t even have access to food!
Couple this with the energy crisis in the world and it would seem as if we are not concerned with the future of our children. There is no real energy crisis if you are not concerned about life on Earth after your time is gone. There is a very real energy crisis if you care about the future; of which the next generations will inherit. (What is the Energy Crisis? (n.d.).

What is Being Done Today?

There are many global initiatives that are working towards resolving the energy crisis. This has taken the form of:

  1. Increased regulation and restriction on carbon emissions.
  2. The promotion of greener manufacturing and construction projects.
  3. The funding of research into hybrid technologies and more sustainable technologies.
    …and more.

Locally, more communities are seeing beyond the recycle bin and recognizing that how the community uses their local resources is important too. More community gardens, parks and farmer’s markets are springing up not only as a means of introducing more sustainable elements into people’s lives, but as an important part of educating the public about the importance of resources. (What is the Energy Crisis? (n.d.).

That’s where The Mekapod Project stands alone from the conventional and out of date methods of environmental sustainability. That’s why we want to win the #SmartCashContest.

This project leverages your #SmartCash investments into a scientifically proven innovation that will revitalize ecosystems and communities at home and abroad with a single self-contained and self-sustaining duplicable system we call the “Mekapod”.

We’ve combined existing automated robotic systems into a single shipping container module to serve as a self-sustainable living source for the more than an average sized family of 12.

Every Mekapod comes equipped with solar panels, water & waste treatment tanks, ethanol & algae production faculties, peep cycle batteries, and hydroponic hanging gardens that grow food year round in the best of conditions.

The result will be a decentralized network of food and energy producing factories that can be built in-house and distributed easily on a mass scale globally. This will improve the way average family dollars are spent on survival and help protect human health and safety on the entire planet Earth for decades to come.

How it works: Mekapod is totally automated. It creates food and energy without the need of human interaction. Once set in place, the device can operate independently. To take advantage of the produce and energy, a user can simply plug into it using a general power cord, and open a hatch to receive food and water.

There are already systems in place for Hydroponic farming and solar energy production, this invention combines these technologies in a single unit equipped with robotic arms for automated management.
Price Justification: Our partner infrastructure construction company at Citadel Systems can create one of these Mekapod systems for about $50,000. With financing, this kind of energy generating system will literally pay for itself within the first couple years of its life. We are experts at providing valuable sustainable systems research and development data for Citadel Systems. We offer you a premium investor/shareholder position on an extremely innovative product.

With The Mekapod Project your investment will influence not only your own family directly but at least 23.5 million food and energy dependent people yearly for much less than 32% of your income every month.

Check out the comparisons…

You like the way that works for the environment and you do like to save money, right?

Now, I know you like all the money you can save, from what I showed you on the screen, right? And, I know you like the way our Mekapod can secure valuable energy royalties AND further expose your family to the healthy life-style of organic eating, that’s impressive isn't it?

Are you familiar with the Environmental Protection Agency? At the first of every year the US Government does an annual Federal budget announcement to inform citizens on how much tax payer dollars the Government spends every year on a variety of priorities to protect human health and the environment with.

Well, they’ve recently announced that green energy programs would see a proposed $4 trillion budget for fiscal year 2018. By the end of the decade, that’s $20 trillion spent on the environment; assuming the budget stays consistent. Think about it, if there are 321 million people in this country that pay taxes, that's a minimum yearly tax of $12,390.40 on the average household just to breathe air and drink water! It’s safe to say that we can’t rely on the government to help sustainable living in the long run.

OK! What we do is demonstrate the capabilities of our Mekapods in the examples given and then take orders for financing on each unit, depending on the components requested. We wholesale each unit as a "Complete Package", or you can downgrade to 3 components, 2 components, 1 component, and all the way down to Kinetic Labs basic suggested investment of $150. Basic investment membership gives you the ability to attend green energy empowerment clinics, sustainable tech investment trade secret seminars, and to redeem your free investment share of the project!

Each component gives you 24,000 units or more of energy yield annually. The shipping container mod can go anywhere, is extremely durable and will last for thousands of years; not to mention that it will save you a minimum of 32% of your monthly income that you would normally spend on an assortment of grocery services today.

Every design includes the shipping container frame as a base. One of the smallest components like the solar panel and battery storage is only $5,000. Water treatment components run for $7,000. If you were to pay for each one of these services separately through someone else your total would be well over $200,000. But, when you do like the other environmentalists in your industry did and get the complete package with financing at the regular price of $50,000, we'll even give you a small #SmartCash investment share in the future profits of The Mekapod Project for free!

This is an awesome investment opportunity for the first few buyers of an awesome product that will help save the world!

To donate to this project now go here:

If you would like to learn more about SmartCash please visit


11 Facts About Food Deserts. (n.d.). In Retrieved January 9, 2016, from

Battistoni, A. (2012, February 1). America Spends Less on Food Than Any Other Country. In Retrieved January 9, 2016, from

Mladen, A. (2016, January 9). Cost of Living in United States. In Retrieved January 9, 2016, from

What is the Energy Crisis? (n.d.). In Retrieved January 9, 2016, from

If you would like to learn more about SmartCash please visit


Um... Norton blocked Smartcash..


You use Norton? That is not the best protection software if you are into crypto-currencies. Norton will give you this error simply because the TLD is .cc as opposed to .com.

Thank you for your candor, but this warning is not indicative of the Smartcash company, coin value, or service offering.

nice article

Thank you Sir

Thank you kindly. We're looking to implement some of this in the very short term on SmartCash.

lol... I hope that's a good damn!

Awesome post already bought in! Super excited to see what the next few months have in store for us!

Thank you kindly! Same here. I think this idea will go far into the future. Please follow me and see where this goes.. I'm actually wondering how I can follow up on a first post like this :)