Smart contracts create new business models
Blockchain technology is called the "Internet of Value" based on its characteristics of decentralization and immutability of information. The background of the emergence of block chain technology is the development of the Internet to a specific stage. In order to solve the technical application generated by the information island effect, it is also the new technological paradigm revolution that appears after the Internet’s monopoly trend becomes more and more obvious. Its development trend is currently It seems to be irreversible.
Compared with the traditional Internet, the blockchain has some unique advantages, such as the equal rights and obligations of any node, higher data reliability, and no trust in data exchange. These advantages make information more open and transparent, and value distribution more fair. The resulting smart contracts may help all walks of life gradually build on the blockchain, but the time sequence is different.
At present, highly digital industries are more likely to take the lead in landing, such as the financial and gaming industries. All other contracts written on paper may also appear in the form of smart contracts in the future. Traditional contracts must be guaranteed by a large third-party organization such as courts, police, lawyers, etc., but the basis of smart contracts is machine trust, and the signatories of the agreement only need to gradually execute the code according to the code, which greatly simplifies the steps to ensure implementation and reduces The cost of trust. In theory, smart contracts will not have the problem of dishonesty. This is the "code is law" that the blockchain technology will ultimately realize.
Although there will be more and more industry blockchains, its development must be gradual. Not all industries are suitable for chaining. When digitization can make an industry more efficient, blockchain technology can be used. It can be said that blockchain technology has constructed a new business model.