Small business blog / bookstore / self motivation

in #small3 years ago

Purchased more books today, probably not the best idea considering how few I have sold.

Made a listing on Facebook Marketplace and listed it in ten groups or so, seemed to get a fair amount of interest.

Sent an ad in for print advertising, just need to pay for it.

Worried I will get a bunch of customers and they will be disappointed with how much of a mess things are.

Looked up some books and some seemed priced too low, $2 book listed for $20 on EBay. Is it worth the time to look up hundreds of books to reprice them?

I don’t have near enough time to do everything I want. For now I need to focus on organizing and nothing but organizing. Need to get shelves build also. Desperately need space. Space and time. And customers. If I was just starting out I would not be happy if this was a grand opening. I am probably months away from it even looking halfway okay, that’s how much of a mess things are. I am not happy with stacks of books on the floor. I hope people won’t mind too much. I guess we will see in the coming weeks whether the Facebook and print ad bring in new customers.