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RE: Girl step by step digital artwork

in #slothicorn7 years ago (edited)

Great digital art!

I sure can believe that Mac computers have long lifes. I bought an Imac in 2007, and it lasted for 10 years. Due to a lack of money I'm back with a Windows pc since oktober 2017 when my Imac broke down. But on that Imac I runned actually photoshop CC. Illustrator I don't use, but when I see what you create with Illustrator, I think it's time for me to start focus on something new ... called Illustrator!


Hi. Thank for your comment and feedback! :)

Well, my old laptop mac lasted more than my new one. In fact this model mac book pro late 2011 was renew the logic board in 2016 so this lated only 2 years and break down for the same reason "logic board issues". Maybe it has been done purposely to last this time and well this laptop are really expensive but on other aspect, it an incredible tools for work.

Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, both are interesting software to create digital art!