Steem Whirlpool (ORIGINAL ARTWORK)

We all want to leave a whale-like splash on Steem.
It may seem impossible initially, but all acquatic life creates their own ripples.
The ocean is the equivalent to space. What you find down there is likely also above. There may be some doubters, but I do not see anybody’s proving me wrong.
Anyways, enjoy this artwork that I created. It is now splashed across your feed.
What software did you use for this design? I feel the design itself matches the style of the Steemit logo really well, nice one!
Circular Tiny Planet Editor
Thanks by the way!
I like that crystalline style, like water. The design is perfect and the way you added the steem logo is the right one. I have seen several jobs that you have enhanced and are excellent, you really have great ability and your designs are great. Excellent post, greetings.
Thanks a lot! I love this style so much. I’ll surely create more. I hope you plan to stick around and see what I come up with.
Thanks for the support!
You had it splash across my feed and I couldn't help but stop by, awesome are work.
You've got some talent up your sleeve Dalton!