Staying Fit / Cardiovascular Exercises
AssalamuAlaikum & Greetings Everyone!
AssalamuAlaikum & Greetings Everyone!
It's me @amjadsharif
From #pakistan
From #pakistan

Cardiovascular Exercise Routine: A Personal Experience
Always, cardiovascular exercises have been part of the most fulfilling activities that I have engaged in as I exercise. These exercises don’t just put me to my physiological edge, sometimes even one, two or three notches beyond my regular level of intensity. It has also also advance my total health and strength by extra effort and hard work. This week, besides my normal programs, I had the opportunity of exercising as prescribed by our instructor @marvinvelasquez during the holidays. Sticking to my regular schedules during this festive period has ensured that I retain whatever fitness I built throughout the year.
The cardiovascular exercise I began with constituted warm up for my body and before engaging in any cardiovascular exercise, I incorporated stretches that were performed the previous week. Some of these stretches were useful in preparing the body muscles thus preventing any form of distress or any{ Cambrian { form of distress or any}injury during a particular exercise or work out.
Vital Signs Monitoring Chart
Reporting my vital signs before and after the exercise helped me monitor my body’s reaction to the exercises being performed. Below is the chart showing my vital signs over two days:
Day 1: Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Before Cardio Training:
Vital Signs | Worth |
Pulse | 80 beats per minute |
Breathing Rate | 20 breaths per minute |
After Cardio Training:
Vital Signs | Worth |
-Pulse | 101 beats per minute |
Breathing Rate | 42 breaths per minute |
Day 2: Thursday, December 26, 2024
Before Cardio Training:
Vital Signs | Worth |
Pulse | 82 beats per minute |
Breathing Rate | 23 breaths per minute |
After Cardio Training:
Vital Signs | Worth |
Pulse | 104 beats per minute |
Breathing Rate | 43 breaths per minute |
Cardiovascular Training and My Experience
These cardiovascular exercises this week were fun and educative. Here’s a breakdown of the activities and my experience with each:
1. Stationary Jogging
This exercise took me back to the early training regimen I used in January when I learned about this technique in terms of endurance. During the two days I kept my heartrate consistent which gave me more proof of my improvement. The treatment of doing two sets of 30 seconds with ten seconds break in-between was easily manageable, and I took a sip of water at the end of the break.
2. Jumping Jacks
I liked adding jumping jacks into the routine because they made me more alive. They were quite uncomplicated and I did two series of the 20 repetitions with 10 seconds of interval time. In contrast to jogging which I used to do while stationary I did not need to drink water during this exercise.
3. Imaginary Rope Jumps
This was the most difficult of all the exercises for me at the beginning. As for the evaluation of the level of training, it is necessary to recognize that having made rope jumps with a real rope, the switching to an equivalent imaginary rope entailed certain difficulties. There was comparatively a little issue to synchronise the movement of hands along with the jumps but as time passed, I gained the flow. This exercise was a maximum effort of 30 seconds with only 10 seconds rest in between the sets and repeated thrice. To this, I took two sips of water after every set.
Challenges and Insights
On December 25, the weight was higher than that recorded on December 23. In retrospect, the reason for this was the changes I made during Christmas Eve with my schedule. I ate a lot of food at night, and I had less sleep than I normally would. These factors affected my performance whereby the exercises were slightly more challenging. I do feel heavy most of the time when I sit on it especially at the initial moments of the session, however, as the body gets used to it the heaviness fades away.
Nonetheless, these experiences were discouraging and questioning my commitment to consistent blogging yet the motivation to keep blogging was in place due to the perceived advantages of blogging consistently. Every exercise went further than just pressing on the checkpoints of my endurance and showed me where I need to advance for real.
Water Intake in Exercising
As with any form of training, water is an indispensable element in any sort of physical exercise. Here’s how I managed hydration for each exercise:
- Stationary Jogging: A drink of water after each group of three.
- Jumping Jacks:por favor, no consumption of water during the sets.
- Imaginary Rope Jumps: two gulps of water can be taken after each set of exercise.
This way, I ensured that I kept on taking a lot of water without compromising with my comfort during the session.
Cardiovascular routine for this week was a quite informative one. I understood the value of working every day, no matter the circumstances, times, and the holidays that might prevent people from sticking to their training schedules. Recording my vital signs gave me additional understanding of how each activity affected my body, thus laying more emphasis on member body’s continuous awareness of their physical state.
In general, all these exercises helped me solidify my desire to start exercising and provided examples that a slight shift in one’s habits may give remarkable results if one would pay attention to such details as having more water and warm up before an exercise.
My Invitation:> @josepha, @chefdanie, @raqueluchap77
Thank You Teacher @marvinvelasquez

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¡Saludos amigo!🤗
Los ejercicios cardiovasculares ponen a prueba máxima nuestra resistencia y, en lo personal eso es lo que más me gusta de esta técnica, ya que desde el primer momento que comenzamos a realizarla, se pone a prueba hasta donde podemos llegar y por supuesto, notamos en qué debemos mejorar.
Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚
This exercise can train our endurance and I think it's important to learn it.
Your video is very good and it can be a reference for readers.
Thank you very much for the invitation, and good luck.