Staying fit / Stretching."

in #slcfitness-s22w13 months ago

Hello friends I hope you are great it's immense pleasure for me to take part in an interesting challenge Staying fit / Stretching." Indeed it's useful to learn something more about fitness.


Fitness is main thing which is obviously very important to stay fit and happy. If I am not fit how can I spend a fit life which is filled with alot of responsibility. Yeah stretching plays significant role to stay fit.

It's helpful for keeping me disease free and yeah my muscles can work more and I felt less tired. If stretching is not part of my daily life I will feel tired in working for little time.

In fact I am going to include stretching in my daily life my life will become more happy and fit. Thanks respected professor for giving me this chance to learn more.

I have try to combine all exercises in one post.

There are 6 videos in this challenge and I try to follow the instructions of my teacher.

First stretching I am doing is The neck stretches, I have done in all 4 rotation. Well I kept my right hand on my head in a way to the jaw of opposing direction of my neck. Well I do this stretching for about 10 seconds and I practice it same for left side too. Moreover I moved my neck upward and in lower direction.

In next step I have done Shoulder stretch, for this purpose I stretch my arms. With the help of palm support I kept my arm in forward directions and stretching shoulder in this way. I do this stretching for about 10 seconds and same is done on other arm and shoulder too.

Then I practice the Lower back stretch, this is a kind of twist that is done while standing. In order to do it well I kept arm on my chest and kept my upper body to my right. I continued it for 10 seconds and do it same on my left side as well.

Then come the upper back stretching along with chest. It was little difficult to do, as I have to move my upper body bending in forward direction. Then I stretch my back with the help of arm in both directions that is forward and also backward.

Well the next is to stretching Full back and back of leg stretch, I had bend my body in lower direction and touch the feet. I do it for about 10 seconds.

The next stretching is interesting that is Full leg stretches,the more role is of legs that had to move in both directions, I kept my knee bending of left leg in forward direction and with abdominal regions and kept it supporting. I do it similarly for backward directions too. The duration is about 10 seconds.

What areas of your body did you feel tense? Share your experience.

Well I really loved the stretching exercises and try to do it as shown in the videos. Perhaps few exercises or stretching was nit tense for me and I felt difficult while doing it.

The shoulder stretch and full body stretching was nit tense for me and for the moment I was not able to do it I practice it many times and I felt easy and do well.

Do you think stretching is beneficial or counterproductive for you? Explain your answer.

No doubt stretching is quite beneficial for whole body. Keeping me fit and healthy and yeah more active than before.

My body is less tired and more flexible because my every body muscle is active and fit. I found it very good for myself and wanted to continue it as habit.

Well the extra strain of my body was clear as I am traveling daily and felt tired but with stretching the problem would be solved.

Of all the techniques applied, which one would you choose for a personal exercise routine? Explain why.

I am very happy to apply these techniques on my whole body because every organ is connected with others and no doubt full stretching would be very effective for me.

I hope it would me my routine to follow all these stretching to stay fit and active and yeah less tired than before.

It's all about my today's post.

I would like to invite my friends @m-fdo, @jannat12 and @mdkamran99 to take part in the challenge.
