Google Enslaves the world - But no one notices

in #slavery7 years ago

After reading James D'amore's complaint against Google, and trying to enlist the same attorney to help me only to be told that he doesn't agree with my analysis - I have no other choice but to publish this. No the lawyer didn't give me sound advice - in fact he didn't give any advice - he didn't give my complaint due diligence but he didn't have to. I didn't pay him anything. May the Gods be kind to the man who stands up to such a degree as I am now going to.

But after reading the complaint against Google, I no longer was worried about job losses at GOOGLE by my opinions. That house has never been cleaned and needs so desperately.

Quite simply, with the number of laws there are you are all guilty. That is why corruption rules the day.

You know when a mob is extorting a neighborhood it usually goes on as long as it does because anyone who attempts to stand up to abuses is always the directed recipient of indignation by neighbors, family, and friends.

People don't see it as the mobs fault for being criminal, they see it as you are making it worse or made it worse. They do this because attacking you is the most simple, expedient, and easiest way to improve their condition. The reaction is therefore universal as it is economically incentivized. In other words, it has the same awesome power as gravity. The origin of the power, whatever that really is, are identical. When micro practice meets some kind of macro favorable expression the power exhibited is beyond the control of man. You know this about Physics - but you think you control economics. Your laws and actions dictate that statement to be true.

I swear, to the best of my ability, these facts are all true. But I am no lawyer. I wouldn't want to be. To associate yourself with the Bar is to be told how law must work. Then to fix it in time using precedence and run people over with it. I rarely see or read anything in a court that does not bring shame in light of its purpose. The final judiciary was a never ending debate for a reason. It was supposed to prevent injustice from enduring. But you don't read law. Why would you. It takes a huge amount of labor and only a licensed person after attending an accredited school can capitalize on the knowledge. Even with the most recent Supreme Court opinion on cell tower data this holds true. Isn't it funny how the government can benefit from technology but precedent rarely changes such as "exigent circumstances". MR 17 5 40 can stream his encounters live on Facebook but the Government cannot restore the Bill of Rights by having a judge on the ready that can push a button, as he sees what unfolds, and issue a warrant or orders to the police to stand down. Not only that, even if the Police violate the law in obtaining evidence, they still hang you if the officer was just ignorant of what the law really was. And as long as that precedent is true the economic incentive for the Government to progress will never be there. Isn't it funny how facebook can store a teraquad of cat pictures for "free" to its users but the government cannot provide services the same?

First, no one does a captcha for pleasure, fun, or charity.. they do it to obtain access to whatever the Recaptcha is blocking. Second, there is ample evidence that Google "immediately benefits" from the labor. Finally, the work performed is an integral part of the business as it builds value to Google Products.

By making those statements - and them all being true - Google has run afoul of the Fair Labor Standards Act in the US, as amended. The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act in the US and 18 U.S. Code § 1589 come into play too. But the implications are global.

First, let me state the basic premise, a US corporation, for profit, cannot accept volunteer work or not pay at least minimum wage or will run afoul of the FLSA. This is so true that a grocery store that accepted "volunteers" that donated their time in return for a for profit corporation to transfer their wage to some cause was found to have violated FLSA. That is law.

Morally no one can anywhere.

There are a few things that come into play but basically a for profit corporation cannot benefit from the volunteer work, it cannot displace jobs, etc. You don't even have permission, legally in the US, to wave this restriction in favor of the for-profit corporations. That is because it ruins the balances of the market. The biggest bullshitter gains the king of the hill. That is what Google did.

Now fast forward to Recaptcha originally created by a collage scholar, and a university can most likely accept volunteers in this manner, that Google claims "reCAPTCHA makes positive use of this human effort by channeling the time spent solving CAPTCHAs into digitizing text, annotating images, and building machine learning datasets. This in turn helps preserve books, improve maps, and solve hard AI problems" and is presently using recaptcha to build datasets for driverless cars.

When I am browsing privately not only do many sites use Recaptcha but all Cloudflare protected sites sure do as well. I resent the frequency, duration, and purpose of the recaptcha. Many do. I have also never been paid for my labor which Google is benefiting from and using to create massive wealth while shorting the labor standards of the US. Not to mention the world. Just go over to - you labored to turn all those pictures of words into computer representations of words. Originally this was called ASCII but is actually called Unicode now. It is just a method of encoding words into binary - 1/0 or ON/OFF.. you can encode anything into anything really. Just use the same standard.

For Antitrust concerns, right now they are using the Recaptcha to program their system to identify cars, bikes, roads, busses, street signs, and more.. almost like they are using the free labor to gain advantage in the race to a driverless car. So this would hurt Tesla and all the other car manufacturers as this is clearly in the future. Dominance here is key for this century. I feel that members of the EU or UK might object here if they understood. I can't explain how no one does.

But I don't wear a uniform of authority- so you won't listen to me. Science is white, Law is black, Medical is blue. You all fall in line. Your schooling makes it beyond your ability to not fall in line. An education is not reading writing and arithmetic. That is labor. An education is Rhetoric, Grammar, and Logic. But what teacher wants a class of arguing children demanding the teacher prove her assertions? That would make her job too hard. With the foundation I have prescribed - you can learn anything else you'll ever need.

This means that Cloudflare has conspired with Google to make you all the first slaves in the United States, and other places around the world, in decades. You can image my resentment for Google now. They think they are bringing PROGRESS. I'd say that is the opposite of progress as we seem to be degenerating.

A very similar case was just decided on the FLSA..

" In this analysis, the Department hewed to the Supreme Court’s instruction in Alamo that those who “expect[] to receive in-kind benefits . . . in exchange for their services” are employees, not volunteers, 471 U.S. at 301. See J.A. 234 (“The incentive for consignors to work additional hours at an event is early purchasing access to the items being sold in the sale.”); Darling Decl. ¶ 5 (“We determined that the workers were employees because Rhea Lana offered and incentivized them to work in exchange for the opportunity to shop early at the sales.”)."

Which is compounded by the fact the user really has no other choice but to use the Recaptcha - except to not access ANYTHING that a Recaptcha protects access to.. which is.. like the entire internet. Don't believe me in this point? Just try to refuse to use Recaptcha from this moment forward. You cannot do it. Either that or your access to the internet is severely restricted. Before you call me a liar - disprove this paragraph or do not bother me with your illogic. The new invisible captcha doesn't change this.

In fact, the more you seek privacy the more google has you work. Can we all agree on one thing? Let's redefine google to mean "to search the internet using DuckDuckGo".. You all have the power to dilute their trademark. You should use it.

Or, just pretend that you are disabled in some way.. So much diversity at Google with $850 billion in market cap it cannot include the disabled. Guess there is no motivation to use that free labor there.. maybe a captcha could just be that game they used to make Google Images so accurate. At least people wanted to do that and thought it fun. Or maybe all you enabled people could use the millions of servers you have made to connect you to the disabled. If they can get so much work for free - your charity would transform the disabled person's life forever. In return, maybe when you want to ride in car without driving.. maybe a bedridden person will "drive" for you from remote. Nah, you'll all use the ring of mordor for your own gain.

More on free labor for profits..

Here it gets worse..

18 U.S. Code § 1589 - Forced labor

(a) Whoever knowingly provides or obtains the labor or services of a person by any one of, or by any combination of, the following means—
(1) by means of force, threats of force, physical restraint, or threats of physical restraint to that person or another person;
(2) by means of serious harm or threats of serious harm to that person or another person;
(3) by means of the abuse or threatened abuse of law or legal process; or
(4) by means of any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause the person to believe that, if that person did not perform such labor or services, that person or another person would suffer serious harm or physical restraint,
shall be punished as provided under subsection (d).
(b) Whoever knowingly benefits, financially or by receiving anything of value, from participation in a venture which has engaged in the providing or obtaining of labor or services by any of the means described in subsection (a), knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that the venture has engaged in the providing or obtaining of labor or services by any of such means, shall be punished as provided in subsection (d).

So the only real question for the court to answer is - does restricting access to the entire internet constitute "force".. especially when coming from a company with the clout of Google. I sure believe it does. I would bet my life on it.

Oh there is more..

"The TVPA defines a human trafficking victim as a person induced to perform labor [..] through force, fraud, or coercion. The TVPA enhances pre-existing criminal penalties in other related laws, affords new protections to trafficking victims and makes available certain benefits and services to victims of severe forms of trafficking once they become certified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."

"One important feature of the TVPA’s conceptualization of trafficking is that physical transport
from one locale to another is not a requirement. Another is that the law addresses the subtle
means of coercion used by traffickers to control victims, including: psychological coercion,
trickery, and the seizure of documents, activities which were difficult to prosecute under
preexisting involuntary servitude statutes and case law. "

I don't think there is any case law on this because people are usually not this evil.. plus quite simply no one understands it. Those that understand the technology, don't understand the law and those that understand the law, don't understand the technology. And if someone else does they are muted by the noise as I have been. Welcome to the new slavery powered by inability to understand as we are too specialized now. Somehow, in medical court cases you have to have an expert witness but technical stuff you don't.

Something may be true for you but not true for me - that is the application of truth through the prism of perspective. But what is truth is universally true and therefore universally useful to us all.

I also encourage people to start using the principles of "intervention" to circumvent the restriction on helping people without a law license. Safety is the exception to all your liberties.. WHO ARE YOU AFRAID OF?

"Don't be evil." That motto is surely dead. Nothing is to prevent Google from going down in history as the most exploitive company the world has ever seen. Sure rape/restraints/etc are worse in the micro perspective than stealing your 20-80 seconds.. but who else has done it to billions of people all around the world simultaneously - so that is worse in the macro sense. Not to mention disadvantaged all the competitors of the world in tech like AI.

I think perhaps I know what is going on in your mind.. you have dismissed me thinking I'm just trying to hurt Google..

Or easier - I am crazy. Well if consensus defines sanity - then the last sane man on earth would be deemed crazy.

Well Google can keep its dirty money. The only thing that even gave me pause, I attempted to contact Cloudflare and Google on this matter to try to resolve this, from burning everything created by this means is their innocent victims who invested into Google's enterprises. Not to mention its users. Plus, you would be better off without knowing. Happier anyways. Isn't that what you all say? You want to exclude people that make you sad with truth?

Just think, when Cloudflare added Recaptcha to their security measures - they gave Google the power to restrict your access to millions of sites and services. They even control access to government sites. Do work for us or no pass - no access. You know it - you just don't care because they only taxed you a few seconds. You didn't read the terms. You don't care how the machine works. You just want you instant whim fulfilled immediately.

Not to mention if my complaint destroys $850 billion in Google stock on Wednesday.. I will be murdered by Friday.

It is inevitable. If people can be killed to rob wallet money - what will the wo/*/man who lost millions do to me?

Google users, Google fans, all those Googlers (employees?) which Google has created into a cult won't even try to be reasonable here. It will be my fault. Where will that "progressive" moral superiority at Google be now? Progressive don't stand for each other - they are only brazen in the majority and when the risk is low. They will call for my head.

In deciding between allowing Google to exploit billions of people or jumping on this grenade, I will do what is right. I expect to file complaints with every legal authority with jurisdiction. Just know whatever is to happen I have had a blessed life. I don't even know you and I work for you. Be careful, wars have begun for less than this.

Google clearly has ethical deficiencies and needs to be administered immediately.

My offer was simply I could have done that (and save all those invested in the corporation) or the blunt hammer of law could do that. I wasn't taken seriously - so the Public will do. I may be poor and $80,000 in debt - but I will keep my principles.

But this dynamic must end.

I have lost sleep over this and had all kinds of problems. I quite frankly don't know why I care for you - you don't care for me the individual. Lincoln said it the best when he spoke of the chains of bondage. And you didn't listen that a military cannot secure your freedom. Force is quite simply antithetical to freedom. Anyone quick to employ force is a tyrant. Sure it can be more expedient than waiting for people to evolve and adapt - but the costs are immeasurable and you'll never be able to quantify them or even detect the costs.

Neither Google nor Cloudflare would even respond - they haven't even acknowledge this crap, except someone down the chain sent me a bull crap message.. "I have escalated this to someone else in legal.." click.. hangup.. ticket closed. No one ever responds. You know the drill.. if it isn't the Company's Employee problem then it is yours. They got all the machines in the world to obstruct you and wear you out. You know you love those phone systems. Not one company will honor the legal requirement of Good Faith in handling disputes arising from contracts. Just email [email protected]. They care.

How can any statement in the upcoming link, required by the UK laws, be sincere if they don't want and won't allow you to report complaints about their suppliers. Try it.

Let me know if you found a solution - I didn't and I was willing to "hack" systems by ignoring whatever the "forms" purpose was. I even applied for a job at Google with the message as my introduction to my resume. I am not even interested in working there as CEO. Y'all should appoint James for that. At any rate the present CEO should step down.

I get this all the time. We are [huge corporation] who do you think you are? I definitely will not tolerate that kind of behavior here. Then the courts have allowed "jurisdictional assignments" and "court venue restrictions" in contracts to aid them. So say you are poor and Google rips you off - like purchasers of the #Nexus 6P. Want to sue? Well you have to use a single court in one county in California. They have BILLIONS you have NOTHING - but by all means you have to burden the cost of travel. You agreed to it before you even knew what the problem you agreed to was. Plus, with all the Government spending - how are the Court's purse strings so tight? Just try to get in forma pauperis (a case initiated without the filing fee). Our courts have no notion of charity. Justice is only for the able. Judges aren't really evil. They are just over burdened by millions of laws.

I have never met this judge - but the man who wrote this opinion is my hero.

And you wonder why you students shoot at you in schools. You made them into prisons. All because a child, a person, cannot choose. Psychiatry is the worst offender of all time. They make so many promises and never deliver. Their medical science is nothing but pseudoscience. They are never honest. Your complaints of side effects will annoy them. But your 15 minutes are up and you have your "solution" to your emotions- blunt them. A chemical can substitute caring.. The courts will not even evaluate what their claims are - they outsourced their duty to the "professionals". But you can be held, drugged, etc.. all that is needed is alarmist thinking. You even promote it economically. You being dangerous mean they get "service fees". I have been subject to tortures of psychiatry that rattles the mind forever and are only permitted because the courts are derelict.

Based on Google's actions, I don't think there is a limit to what I could have demanded from Google in terms of money. I could have asked for whatever I wanted. That precludes the concept of extortionate behavior. The Human Trafficking Laws have no punitive damage limits. How are any of you damaged yet? You don't know. I had to bear this burden alone. The UK can seize the whole company. Let the vultures eat it's corpse. They don't even write good code. Don't maintain shit. They are lazy assholes that live on your back. I would rather have my liberty than the whole of the internet. And there are few amongst you that have used it more than I have. But freedom should mean we don't have to choose.

Fixing Google won't be very easy to figure out. But Facebook- hell, all the social media sites have issues. Ross Ulbricht is in prison for 240 years for a website selling drugs - but Facebook has Medical Marijuana Pages advertising sales, explicitly forbidden by their "Community Standards" not to mention 21 USC 843(c)(2)(A) - so quite frankly their community standards are irrelevant. I filed complaints on 30 or so dispensaries, my deepest apologies to those affected, but they didn't even handle all those pages the same. I did this to prove their application of the standards is purely subjective. They pick winners and losers. This is the power we are giving them. What of your equal protection now (Due Process on the Federal Level)? We are going after Russians for election manipulation - well what about this? Oh, that's right.. it is their property. You are just the peon that built it all. I predict Google will tample my account for violation of their community standards then delete all my stuff. My phone will break, email, access to every site I have signed up for years. All gone. DELETE. I have about 62GB of data that they include in the takeout system. But my guess if I have lots of data they don't attribute to me. Can you download your captcha data. How are your searches programming their AI? They must be otherwise - why care if you are private. Google can't handle attacks without taxing you but Cloudflare can? They rarely captcha and their algorithm is far and accurate. Recaptcha isn't. Just get on Tor, give the government a reason they can search your home, and try to use google. I have a video of it. They taxed me about a minute. This happens everytime I clear my cookies and access doesn't even work without cookies.

Google is rated at a Market Cap of $850 billion.. at $75 an hour that is 11.3 billion man hours. If you don't think you can recreate Google with 11.3 billion man hours then you are awe stuck into a stupor. They need you - you don't need them. Decentralization is the only path. No one can manage such power. That is the problem democracy solved.

In Marsh v. Alabama, the Court held that the private owner of a company town could not forbid distribution of religious materials by a Jehovah’s Witness on a street in the town’s business district. Amazing how as technology advances our principles of freedom are not applied to it. The court ruled this because the people wanted to assemble have the right to connect with the people of the town. Ownership didn't matter. Too bad this can't be applied to social media.

Pretty much what I wanted from Cloudflare was that they setup a meeting with Google and stopped using Recaptcha as expedient as possible without sacrificing security and functionality. That's why I contacted them.

I personally thought Cloudflare should have become an honest competitor to Recaptcha. If Cloudflare wanted suggestions on how to do that, I offered to give some advice. That offer is still valid.

Cloudflare may not have actually known. Google is artful at convincing people a turd is gold. You were all duped. But they absolutely should have known. I know this because when I saw the "Human Computation" video posted on YouTube as part of Google Tech Talks.. I knew instantly. Create billions of value off the backs of others without any compensation or choice. No one signed up without knowing they used human labor to "create value". Top of the page. Link labeled "Creation of Value".

If you can't identify that doing that would be unethical then I don't really have any sympathy for you.

But Google, deleting YouTube channels over unreasonable interpretations of their "community standards" and then not even explaining how to avoid the penalization in the future can't be considered anything but abuse of people. Facebook has the same "policy" and they can prevent you from engaging your family and friends. This is enormous power. If you are stuck in a bed - this power may only compare to the power entrusted to the state.

When firing James Damore over an honest opinion but ignoring employees that leaked company documents? Not to mention what they said on internal company forums. If that isn't a hostile workplace I don't know what is. How dare they criticize a person for wanting to support traditional values, as they did, in the workplace. And I didn't even read the whole complaint. What, James Damore, had no expectation his word would be limited to the private internal company forum Google created then encouraged participation in? I'm sure there is no way Google has a non-disclosure agreement for employees..

So the violator of that agreement is still employed but freedom of speech had no weight? I'd like to see this non-disclosure agreement all your employees sign. Actually I read it. And their Code of Conduct. For what the CEO said about James Damore in reference to the Code of Conduct - directly mimics what you see on YouTube demonetization. The demonetization and obstruction of free flow of ideas is that subjective at Google. Internal memos, especially those that can hurt the company's image, is a violation of that confidentiality agreement. But the person is somehow "unknown" so apparently all that Google security is nonsense because the information is out and they can't figure out how it got out.

If I was James Damore I'd be offended. Hell, I am offended. And I can relate to his comments on how he feels and behaves - as being Autistic. I am not diagnosed but I feel the same as he described in a recent article. That's why the Google psychological bullshit doesn't work on me. I am also too analytical. People do not like people who are too analytical. Now he cannot get a job anywhere. Fuck Google with a massive dildo in the ass without lube for proclaiming to be so inclusive and tolerant - then destroying a man's livelihood out of pure pettiness.

I saw it for what it was when the movie The Internship came out. All the virtue signaling.. donating employee time when they are most likely salary. Who knows. If they can force users of captcha to work who haven't they?

Yeah some fictitious entity trying to pay you the least for the most - cares about you that much.

"Oh, we are so good at Google. We get rid of the bad apples." Human life is so valueless at Google they destroy a man over petty differences. Your ability to provide should not be politically based. If for no other reason than it created a disadvantage for the mentally ill that I thought congress declared was to end when they passed the amendments to the ADA. Even if James Damore was somehow insensitive - he couldn't help it if his life depended on it - literally. Or how can you explain him risking it all for principles but you sit and hide?

Google might be aces at pigeonholing people to ignore them but I was born a hacker so I'll "get er done." I solve problems. I don't take orders well. But I solve problems.

As a fan of Cloudflare products I did not necessarily want to be confrontational but remedy is due to all of us and they are involved.

I tried to do some liability calculations on all this but it is unquantifiable. Just using the FLSA and estimating the amount of labor Google stole is around $17 billion in the last 3 years. And that is just wages at minimum wage. Since they have a policy of paying "so well" how can you apply minimum wages and not prevailing wages? That is the statue of limitation on the FLSA. They laughed at the EU when the EU fined them $5 billion. I hope they still have that same sense of humor here.

The $1 Trillion dollar estimate was inflated by about 60 times by an error in my calculations -
I calculated man-minutes not man hours.

Here is Luis von Ahn (and I hope he knows what he did was criminal and he can go to prison - but I hope he won't. If I could I would charge YOU with saving him.):

Yeah he got free labor from 750,000,000 people or (10% of the world) and that was back in 2011.. and listen to him.. "Because before the internet, coordinating a 100,000 people, let alone paying them, was essentially impossible." Quote ends at +8:24 in linked video.

And if you are wondering how bad Google shot themselves in the foot here,

There is the Luis again who made Recaptcha at a Google Tech Talk joking about how great it would be to turn manufacturing jobs into "a game [with a purpose]".. You know.. for FREE LABOR. None of you are looking for work right? You won't care.. RIGHT? Antitrust also comes into play.

Make no mistake, this is a TRILLION DOLLAR blunder on the part of Google. Yeah. that's right this could BANKRUPT a ~$850 BILLION US company. Actually, who knows what the damages are. There are antitrust concerns, labor concerns, tax avoidance concerns. There is no end to the problems with what Google has done.

In fact, I have to thank Cloudflare for informing me about the Modern Slavery Act of 2015 in the UK because they can fine Google an unlimited sum of money to redistribute. I am sure all the free nations have such laws.

I can't legally give financial advice but I would sell my GOOG if I had any. You should YouTube Roger Ver.

As of present, I consider him a man of principles. But like him, that will change the nanosecond I have a fact that challenges that position.

He might suggest you look into Bitcoin Cash and run from Bitcoin.


I am sorry that this well assembled and thought provoking post has not been circulated throughout the steemianville. Think about that sentence that I just wrote. Ponder the words, I know that you know, "they" the free willed have stifled you and considered you a "menace" and or a "belligerent" complainer. Maybe even a thrill seeker that is not happy with one self. "They" read your post and roll there eyes at the fact that "you" can not be as enlightened and or informed to come up with an argument and or debate that would be 'brilliant." That is because of the fear of believing in a scenario that could and is true. I for one have been on the soap box calling out this treachery to the mass of humanity. Thank you fellow "person of quality" and continue with your rhetoric and blasphemy of the wicked and evil force that has taken the mass by storm.
@temper I will follow your blog and support you as much as possible. Good luck and live for now while gaining wisdom for your future.

Yea I kinda think Google has gotten too big for their own good and they are being run like a virtue signaling cult.

I will give this a second thought.
Anyways thanks for sharing