Elegance on sunday - photoshoot in SkyrimLE
... i have decided to work on an ENB, more special ... somehow different from my "old routine"... an yes the pictures are done in Skyrim, and no its not Sushi (named ENB) its Snapdragon Prime / Default LUT and slightly modified to match my vision for future movies and photos, there are either some flaws in this my / new config, and very intense work is hiding behind those pics, lot of restoring, reworking, new defining, and trail and error... anyway ... here is it ... refreshed, reborn, and ready for the future, letme say its really impressive whats possible only in SkyrimLE and with a very good ENB like snapdragon... also you could understand this photoset as an homage at halofarm and his great work on Aethersuite, even if i've used an older version of the Suite here, his Shadowrooms are great for cloth-development and material-checks... Night and Day, Light and Shadow, Simplicity and Complexion are the main challanges of a photographer... and even if my assets are well known my hope is that they are accepted as elegant... and are matching the "Elegance on sunday"-event in the nexus ...
now have phun in watching the pics, and please be kind with your comments, my chara has spend a lot of time in these rooms to make this photos possible, so please do not disappoint her....
....and if you wonder - why not any posing?... i have tried to circumvent such poses with such clothing .... you know ... so i want to keep this SFW...
and those photos have a secondary goal in mind, i must check the materials, its somehow a showroom too, like a boutique, somehow at least... and i'm not a storyteller, i'm a crafter, draper, sewer or simply a graphical creative one... instead of asking me for a story told in my pics, ask yourself the question: what kind of story you could / would tell with those assets/clothes...? i'm not here for stories, i'm here as a creator of things which storytellers can... would... may use if they like them.... in the past people do not like my pics, because they dont tell a story, THIS IS INTENDED! my part are the cloths and materials, showing pics from them and inspire you to stories, which you could tell... i'm good in graphics (not perfect but good) in words ... hmpf maybe ... but at much more work and longer time.... and i do not feel comfortable in telling stories, i want to create facts ;)
i was checking the lighting, the materialexpression of the cloth-fabrics/materials, the values of several ENB-parameters too, and as a result i think i should stick by that config for my future developments and visit this very useful location in Skyrim very often... if you want to see more pics from this photosession and also the NSFW-ones please jump to https://www.steemimages.com/album/39i (reminder you need to be a member of this site to see NSFW-pics)
have an inspired time.