What is left...
... after i was loosing around 90% of my project-files and my two base Skyrim-Setups with all the actual developments, meshes, textures and esps, on 25th november '17 there this PC-disaster happens ... luckily we (my friend and i) could restore a setup made for testing- / benchmarking-purposes, and with it some assets ...

... so some sort of restart could be made ... the charas could be saved so far... only some of the newer fabric-textures, and this set of an experimental armor based on the well known "fluffy thing"...

testing the "old" fabrics and meshes with a new ENB based on snapdragon, the chara is an early one, maybe some of my fans remind her...

...the screenshots are done in Druids Den Redux (maybe its the old version around 2015) so far the screens and the set are looking good but i will take a closer look in blender maybe the armor parts are the unfixed ones / i see some flaws which i ment of being fixed, but they dont... and i am back to 4to3 imageformats... i like them more...
some sort of life sign from me, have an inspired time