What About a Simple App For the Non-technical People Who Want to Invest in Crypto?
Rather than swing trading and becoming a day-trader, investing in the upswing of the cryptocurrency markets, or trading based on the price action of Bitcoin maybe it’s time to consider automating your trading strategy?
Of course many people already deploy trading BOTS to automate their trading. What about a simple and everyday option for the non-technical people who want to invest?
Something so basic and yet powerful that it executes trades for you without all the time spent staring at charts.
It’s here! SKRAPS.io
Spare Change Investing works like this.
You link a debit card to the SKRAPS app on your phone and based on your level or risk you choose in the app it automates micro-sized purchases from your debit card into a private cryptocurrency wallet.
Rounding off transactions you automatically take, for example, a charge on your debit card for $12.75 and the app rounds it up to $13.00. So now all your bank account transactions will be even numbers with no cents. Easier to keep track of.
The difference between the amount of your purchase and the rounded up amount is 25 cents. This 25 cents automatically goes into a micro-investing cryptocurrency wallet every time you use your debit card for normal spending.
The portfolio of your choice of cryptocurrencies gives you the full flexibility to Dollar Cost Average and not have to become entrenched in trying to become a day trader or lose your money making mistakes choosing which cryptocurrencies will make you profits.
Time averaging takes away the need to time the market perfectly.
There will be 5 different portfolios for each user to choose from based on the risk level they are comfortable with.
Users’ data is protected with 256-bit encryption and never stored on their devices. The SKRAPS app will link your debit card to your portfolio which will be managed by a smart contract. Your smart contract portfolio is inherited from the multisig master smart contracts created by the portfolio managers who design the best portfolios based on their performance for micro-investments.
SKRAPS uses the Plaid API for this connection which is also trusted by companies like Acorns, Venmo, and Robinhood, among others.
KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid.
Having reviewed many cryptocurrency projects over the years the vast majority of them are so convoluted and complex it’s virtually impossible to tell someone all the details and have them comprehend what you shared.
In the case of SKRAPS however, this is stupid simple. You now have a way to buy cryptocurrency without getting worried about spending everyday researching the best companies and coins.
At the moment the SKRAPS app will soon be used on 3 exchanges; Kraken, Poloniex, and CEX.io.

Read their Whitepaper if you want to know more!