Get Six Pack Abs - Develop Strong Core - Blast Away Belly Fat - Silent Subliminal

in #six7 years ago

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Visualize having ripped six pack abs.

Headphones Recommended. Listen atleast 3 times everyday until you get results you want.

  1. Visualize what you want
  2. Focus on the picture in your mind rather than the sounds
  3. Journal daily and watch for evidence of success


Subliminal Messages (Affirmations):

Get Six Pack Abs - Develop Strong Core - Blast Away Belly Fat - Silent Subliminal

I have six pack abs

my abs are ripped

my abs are gorgeous

I have incredibly low body fat

my core is strong

my core is firm

my lower back is healthy

my lower back is flexible

my lower back is strong

my lower back is powerful

my abs are strong

my abs are ripped

my abs are powerful

my abs are gorgeous

people love checking me out

people love looking at my abs

my abs attract wonderful attention

my core is incredibly strong

my core is incredibly flexible

my core is incredibly powerful

my core is rock solid

my core is a solid foundation

my core supports me

my core gives me strength

my core gives me power

my core gives me energy

my core gives me life force

people are in awe of my core

people are amazed by my core

I love working my core

I love stretching my core

I love strengthening my core

my core is fundamental

my core is a force of nature

I am in incredible shape

I am in fantastic shape

my body is a highly tuned machine

my body is a perfect specimen

my body supports me

my body is powerful

my body is flexible

my body is healthy

my body is strong

my metabolism destroys body fat

my metabolism melts body fat

my metabolism vanishes body fat

my body is an efficient fat burning machine

You have six pack abs

your abs are ripped

your abs are gorgeous

You have incredibly low body fat

your core is strong

your core is firm

your lower back is healthy

your lower back is flexible

your lower back is strong

your lower back is powerful

your abs are strong

your abs are ripped

your abs are powerful

your abs are gorgeous

people love checking you out

people love looking at your abs

your abs attract wonderful attention

your core is incredibly strong

your core is incredibly flexible

your core is incredibly powerful

your core is rock solid

your core is a solid foundation

your core supports you

your core gives you strength

your core gives you power

your core gives you energy

your core gives you life force

people are in awe of your core

people are amazed by your core

You love working your core

You love stretching your core

You love strengthening your core

your core is fundamental

your core is a force of nature

You are in incredible shape

You are in fantastic shape

your body is a highly tuned machine

your body is a perfect specimen

your body supports you

your body is powerful

your body is flexible

your body is healthy

your body is strong

your metabolism destroys body fat

your metabolism melts body fat

your metabolism vanishes body fat

Your body is an efficient fat burning machine

This subliminal was created with MindZoom Software ☛

A Subliminal Shinobi Production.

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