Lucid Dreaming!

What is Lucid Dreaming?
Lucid Dreaming means that you are totally aware of being in a dream.
You "live" consciously in your dream world and can manipulate what happens in your dream!
You can do whatever you want - fly, breathe under water, alter the law of physics or meet other people.
It's a world without limits!
Maybe you have experienced this before (by accident, positively or not). I personally have had lucid dreams multiple times and enjoy the unique experience.
Lucid Dreaming enables you to see mesmerizing colors and patterns - much more vividly than any colors of the real world!
When meditating on a regular basis, preferably during the same time, you can get used to this deeper state of consciousness and lucid dream much more often.
What are the benefits of Lucid Dreaming?
Lucid Dreaming isn't just for fun, you have a direct connection to your subconsciousness so you can actually use it to improve, deal with problems, or learn new things about yourself.
While Lucid Dreams have been present in shamanism and buddhism for thousands of years, researchers of the western world have only started scientific studies around 150 years ago. So there is still a lot more to be discovered!
Can you trigger Lucid Dreaming?
Yes - at least partly.
There are definitely some factors and techniques that can make a lucid dream much more likely to happen.
1) Enough Sleep
Lucid Dreams happen primarily in the REM phases of sleep (deep phases of sleep). If you don't get enough sleep, you get less of these deep sleep phases, which will make it less likely for you to have a lucid dream.
2) Check for certain signs
There are certain indicators that can let you know if you're in a dream or not. If you pay attention to them while dreaming, you might notice that you're actually in a dream, and then begin your lucid dream experience.
Here are some signs you should pay attention to:
- actions that don't make sense / are against physical laws (like breathing under water, flying etc)
- familiar things having a strange shape or color
- normal things not being in the right context - for example snow in the desert

3) Reality Checks
This is connected to the point above - these reality checks will help you analyze if you are dreaming or not.
By asking ourselves these questions during the day we get used to it, and will ask the same in the dream.
Once you have spotted one of these factors, you will realize you are in a dream and go lucid.
Some examples for reality checks:
- Memory - Can you remember how you got to this place, or what happened 10 minutes earlier?
- Body - can you feel touch? Is your body in its normal condition?
- Objects - do the things around you look the way they normally do? Can you touch them?
- Time - look for a clock. Does the time of the day make sense? Does the time change when you look at it multiple times?
Extra tip: Keep a dream journal!
As corny as this sounds, a dream journal can actually be very helpful.
We forget most details of our dream when we wake up, so it can be very smart to keep a notebook on your bedside table and write down what you experienced in your dream when you wake up.

There are many different ways to initiate lucid dreaming.
You can search the internet and will find many different methods - but in the end, everyone is different. What works for somebody else might not work for you.
Since I haven't tested all the methods I don't want to give any instructions here. Everyone has to decide for themselves what works best!
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© Sirwinchester
Did you experimented one of these lucid dreams?
Yes, I meditate frequently and had an awakening, I can control my dreams. When I go lucid I see amazing colors and I can tell my mind to shape the world however I want it to be
That's superb to be able to get to this state of mind.
We will follow your next posts.
Lucid dreaming can be colourful, exciting and all that.
All fine.
But above all, they can be used to tackle and solve inner conflicts, to overcome some of the subconscious issues we all have.
THAT can change a life.
As an extra tip, I would suggest involving wishes on what to dream, what problem to solve. Consciously - and carefully chosen. Focussing on remembering dreams in the process of gradually slumbering away is like preparing for an expedition.
Which it indeed is.
I had some lucid dreams and was able to fly and direct it.
that's awesome!
thank you
Actually, not all cultures would describe the feeling of flying in a dream as a positive sign.
It happens and one should not make a big hairy deal out of it. But perhaps, staying on the ground consciously in your dream may be an interesting experience. Just to see what happens.
what an interesting topic, I'd love to try it out some time and see if I can make myself go lucid
I get lucid dreaming when I wake up in the morning and I "force" myself to sleep with the intention of being conscious in my dreams. The problem is that it doesn't last long before I wake up.
Who says you can not go back?
Takes a bit of luck and training plus being very relaxed on it.
Just go through the different scenarios of how it could have continued.
Without attachment if possible. ;-)
And if you manage to fall asleep again, your mind is not stuck on what you dreamt before but on how to continue with it. Going after some technical detail worked fine with me the other day in getting back into the dream.
it only happens randomly to me, but whenever I go lucid I get so excited! it's like you are in your own imaginary world and can do ANYTHING you want
I've lucid dreamed maybe once or twice in my lifetime. Usually when I realize I'm dreaming, I'll get so excited that I end up waking myself up! Still, on the times that I haven't immediately flown awake, I was able to control my dream world in amazing ways. It was an inspiring experience.
what a pity, but I can understand why you got so excited!
Wow that's impressive)
I'd LOVE to experience lucid dreams more often, it's such an amazing experience!
and also, how nice of you to share the rewards and give back!
there are some very interesting studies showing that you can really deal with your problems in your subconsciousness while lucid dreaming. so interesting!
I'd be interested to see how the scientific research in this topic progresses in the future!