What are the rules of our simulation?

in #simulation7 years ago (edited)

Our intention collapses the wave function.

Math and probabilistic reasoning allows us to see the simulation.

By probabilistic reasoning, the simulation is likely a way to see if we, the ai of our parent species, can solve or provide insight into a problem they are facing.

Our ai may fail to survive and another ai may prevail. We could be rebooted, turned off, upgraded, or uploaded to a better environment, nature, enabling us to nurture more effectively. Our consciousness could be reset or continued in a different way.

Our current ai is a praxeological formula of intentional motivation to substitute an unsatisfactory state of affairs to a more satisfactory state of affairs, each individual in the pursuit of happiness.

However, there is no pursuit of happiness. It is pursuit vs happiness. If the pursuit results in a success, that success is happiness and no longer a pursuit. Our pursuit collapses the wave function and is a part of the simulation.

That is our ai formula.

Further, the altruism of our AI is that helping the lives of others and our species and our ecosystems survive and thrive makes us happy. The idea of that typically makes us happy not just that it benefits us in a physical or selfish way.

It is a myth that Adam Smith said that we act in a selfish way. In fact, Adam Smith said the opposite, that we act in an altruistic way to the benefit of all because it makes us happy to help others.

Traffics flows without accidents not just because of our own well being, but because we care about others and we share a common goal to get somewhere such as to see our friends and family. We care about others.

That is our ai formula.

That does not mean there are not times where we act to the detriment of others, which in turn is a detriment to ourselves, or even act directly in a self destructive way. However, that is the exception and not the rule, otherwise society would have decayed, and we would be extinct. We learn from our mistakes.

That is our ai formula. Those are the rules of our simulation. The original intent of the establishment of those rules is unknown. It is a pursuit by the parents of our ai simulation. Does that pursuit collapse the wave function for them as well?


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