Some things

Afternoon everyone….

I don’t know exactly when I’ll be making my next post. I’m not leaving the platform, just going on vacation. I have to be at the airport tomorrow morning at 4:30am for a 6:45 flight to Punta Cana, Dominican Repuvlblic. My normal post time will be while I’m in the air, so I’ll get one posted once I get settled. Meaning have a drink or two…….

I’ve tried scheduling posts in the past and have had issues. So I’ll just post when I can. That is as long as my plane lands safely. If not well this will be my last post……

There are to my count nine mints that produce sovereign coinage that is used in every day purchases by world. Now I am excluding mints like the Scottsdale Mint, and a couple others that produce legal tender coinage. Why? Because this coinage while having a legal tender value on them are in no way used for commerce transactions.

If you aren’t a coin collector, then you won’t quite understand what I’m trying to say.

The United States Mint produces millions upon millions of coins. But, there are thousands upon thousands of error coins. Which means the quality control at all three branches of the United States Mints have some quality control issues.

So let’s talk private mints. Today I’m going to share a piece from a privately owned mint that not only has amazing designs, but there quality control is top notch.

I own many pieces from this mint and have yet to be disappointed.

So which mint am I talking about???

The Intaglio Mint…
