Moving along….
Afternoon everyone ….
For anyone that’s been following for any length of time. Knows that around this time last year I was approved for my shop build on my property finally.
Will all the fees and extras required by both the town and the state, my original budget on this project had far exceeded my budget for the project. I had already taken out a business loan of nearly 100K to get this build done.
I still needed close to another 60K in order to get it completed. I sold off some assets, no gold or silver were sold, don’t worry…..
While the building was paid for, that left me no money in the budget for machines that are necessary to run a shop productively.
The shop was completed in September when I received the certificate of occupancy. While I’ve sort of been using it. Mainly to store wood and finish up projects before installing them. It has primarily been four walls and still a dream of what the shop needs to be.
Over the last several months, I’ve grown extremely frustrated with not using the shop and not being able to set it up. It still needs the machines, work benches, lumber rack, cabinets, etc. But the machines need to be first, so that I can decide where they will end up.
I really didn’t want to take on additional debt. Especially with the high loan payment I already have for the 95K loan to build. But I couldn’t take it anymore and bit the bullet. I took out a line of credit for the business of 30K.
This does not by any means get me all the machines I truly want. So over a months time, I took my machine wish list and made a “Can’t do without” list. That list was comprised of five machines.
20” helical head planer
8”x 72” helical head jointer
Vortex dust collection
16” re-saw capable bandsaw
Direct drive drill press
Aside from the table saw which is by far the most vital. (Which I already have). These are the machines needed.
Yesterday three of those machines were delivered. The planer, jointer and bandsaw are all now in my possession. They still need to be uncrated and assembled, but they are here.
Here they are…
I’m in the middle of a pair of fairly large jobs at the moment. Which are going to take me till the beginning of April to finish. Hopefully I can get a little down time and slowly uncrate and assemble these one by one.
I’d like to get the shop functional by May. It won’t be complete by then, but I need it functional. I need these machines in order to build the workbenches and cabinets for my shop.
Wish me luck….