Upon this Rock...

in #silvergoldstackers5 months ago (edited)


The Golden Age has begun...

Get ready for our 100% "Stable" Gold "Coin" Backed U.S. Electronic "Coinage"...

It helps to know that "We the People" own the Rights to U.S. Coinage, in any form we choose to issue it...

We will also be introducing "U.S. Paper Coinage" denominated from One Cent to One Hundred Cents, which will be 100% backed by "Circulating" U.S. Silver Coinage...

Electronic Coinage will be Denominated in Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents...

The U.S. Monetary Correction is actually, an "Easy Fix"...

I'm sure President Trump, will have it Fixed very Fast...

So Fast, that it will be like "Flipping" a "Switch"...

As you may or may not know, I have been adding a few more pieces to the U.S. Monetary Correction Puzzle lately...

They have been slowly adding up, along with the Common U.S. Coinage I've been getting back with my change...

Could this be, what's might be referred to as Chocolate Quarts...???

I was using it out in the Garden as a Digging Tool...lol...

It makes it easier to see, now that I know how tiny tiny tiny the Gold Dust is..

It's much smaller than the larger specks you see...

It helps being able to see what's heading our way...

If I was forced to sell something at this point in time, I'd sell my Gold, long before I'd cash in any Common U.S. Coinage...

I figured out that our Common U.S. Coinage will "out perform" Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin...

I realize how insane that seems at first glance...

Most people have a hard time seeing what I see...

We've been using "our" Coinage to make change for "their" Fiat USD's...

Talk about being "Bamboozled" by Agents of the Central Bank Owners...

For one, most of you are looking for a Complicated Solution...

What I came up with is just too simple for most people to wrap their heads around...

There's nothing complicated about my "Fine Tuned" version of what's to come...

You should have no trouble at all understanding it, "if" you can count to 100...

Our Silver and Gold Coins will range from $1 to $100...

Our Common Coinage has a range from $0.01 to $1.00...

Our Paper Coinage will be denominated in Cents and will range from 1 Cent to 100 Cents...

Our Electronic Decimal Cents will range from $0.0001 Decimal Cent to $0.0099 Decimal Cents...

Add one more Decimal Cent and you have ($0.0100 ) One Electronic Cent...

Add 99 more Electronic Cents and you now have One Electronic Dollar...

There will be "no limit" to how many Electronic Dollars a person can add to their Electronic Coinage Account...

I became my own best student...

Any questions yet...???

Sometimes my replies are better than my posts...


With President TRUMP the dollar should regain strength. Now there is the whole BRICS part that is forming a good coalition and has the intention of not using the dollar, but with TRUMP I am convinced that the use of the dollar will no longer be despised by some countries. The BRICS countries are the largest anti-dollar area, but if the USA returns to do business with them without using the dollar as a weapon, the dollar as a currency could recover. What do you think?

I'm with the BRICS when it comes to the Fiat USD's... There are Two Dollars... One belongs to "We the People" and the other belongs to the Central Bank Owners... I'm against the one that belongs to the Central Bank Owners, just like the BRICS... The one that belongs to "We the People" is going to be "loved" all over the World... Our "New" Electronic Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents will be "Stable" and 100% backed by Gold Coins... Our Paper and Common Coinage will be 100% backed by Silver Coins... You probably won't be using our Common Coinage, but I do see our Paper Coinage circulating all over the world, to be used to make change for our Silver and Gold Coins... I prefer "Physical" Coinage, but the younger generation will mostly be using our Electronic Coinage... Anyway... This puts me on the same side as the BRICS... Our Common Enemies are the Central Bank Owners and their Fiat Monetary System... Once obtained, our Electronic Dollars will Circulate freely, with no interest attached... Naturally, we'll have to pay interest if we borrow Electronic Coinage... Currently "We the People" have been paying interest (Rental Fees) for the use of Fiat USD's, as long as they circulate... We even pay interest on the Fiat USD's that circulate outside the United States... That will soon come to an end... Physical Fiat USD's will be the safest Fiat Currency to be holding at the time of the Reset, because they can be redeemed with "no loss" of Spending Power... Thanks for stopping by...

thanks for this comment and expressing your opinion very clearly

Your thanks have been received and welcomed... I rarely get questions, so it's always a pleasure when I do...

I would NOT sell gold, maybe half of it, but I would NEVER be without this metal, it is a metal that over the years remains valid, this makes it reliable.
I wish you a happy day

I would never sell my Gold Coin Collection... We are so close to the Reset now, that I doubt that I'll ever be "forced" to sell... I will be selling my Clumps of Gold Dust for sure, and using it to buy Electronic Coinage... I'll use the Electronic Coinage to build my Oasis in the Desert and probably many other things I've always dreamed of building... Gold will become Stable, so other than Minting Gold Coins, any Profit coming from Gold, will more than likely come from Mining for Gold, or using Gold to make Works of Art...

They have been slowly adding up, along with the Common U.S. Coinage I've been getting back with my change...

Gradually they will keep adding up and keep adding up. Thank you for sharing this

There will come a time, in the Very Near Future when there will be no more need to add up... Once the Switch is Flipped, the chance to get in on the "Ground Floor" will be over...