The Future is on its way...

in #silvergoldstackers6 days ago (edited)

1986-S Half Dollar Reverse....jpg
I can't say I blame people for wanting to come to America...

I figure, the United States is about to "Give Birth" to a Brand New Monetary System that's going to catch everyone by surprise...

Everyone but all you fine People, who have been reading my Blogs for years...

Even those who have no idea of what's heading our way and do nothing to prepare will be much better off...

Since we will be paying off the National Debt in Full, we won't be paying "Rental Fees" for the use of the Central Bank Owners Fiat USD's...

We even pay "Rental Fees" for all the Fiat USD's used on the other side of the World...

Once we "Remove and Replace" Physical Fiat USD's, we'll also be able to get rid of the Federal Reserve System and the IRS...

We won't need to pay Income Taxes any longer...

Some Debt may be forgiven, but don't count on all your Debt being forgiven, since your Debt is another Persons Asset...

For the most part, your Debt will be Reset with the same 100 to 1 Exchange Rate offered to "Physical" Fiat USD's...

If you're currently earning 50 Fiat USD's per hour, that will be Reset to 50 Cents per hour, with "no loss" in Spending Power...

If I could explain what I see coming another way, I'm sure I already tried it...

What I was able to come up with, was actually a pretty easy fix...

You'd think we would have figured it all out Decades ago...

It's going to be as if we're going back to the Coinage Act of 1792 and Correcting our Mistakes...


It will be like starting over...


I am so optimistic about the future because it is bright. Even though it might not look like it now, it will definitely look like it in due time

Seeing is Believing... Everything that ever happens, does so in the Present...

In this post I want to wish you a happy start to the week, tomorrow are the elections, I hope our candidate Trump wins.