Comments are always Welcomed...


How do you like the way I sloped all the Pavers downward towards the middle...???

I did this on each level, starting with the ones on Ground Level...

According to my Calculations, this should keep the water from coming out the sides...

So far, nobody mentioned that my Planter looks like it's filled with Golden Mulch...

Perhaps it's not easy for some people to type, using their Smart Phones...


I realize, the Message, I've been trying to bring to light, can be a little annoying to some of you long time readers, but there's only so many ways I'm able to put it in words...

I've tried to look at it from every possible angle...

I don't know how I've been able to get this far, typing about the same message, over and over again...

If you think you're tired of reading them, just think about how I feel typing them...

Tell me if you think there has been anything I left out...

If you're able to find any flaws with my "Fine Tuned" version of a Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium backed Monetary System, I'd love to have you share it with me...

If you have any doubts about what I've been writing, I'd love to read them too...

I realize, my "Fine Tuned" version seems too easy, to have been overlooked, or ignored for so long...

I believe "We the People" have been preparing for the End of the Fiat USD's for many Decades...

I figure, it's Now or Never...

Knowing what we now know, "We the People" need to go back to the Coinage Act of 1792 and Correct all our Mistakes...

I truly believe we were "Bamboozled" by "Agents" working for the "Central Bank Owners"...

When the Switch is Flipped, it will be OFF with the Old and ON with the New U.S. Monetary System...

It will be like Night and Day...

I see it all happening, and I figured out how it needed to be done...

It all seems to be an Easy Fix, now that we've been preparing for Decades...

It took time to remove our Gold Coins and then Silver Coins from Circulation, but it needed to be done, since "We the People" set their "original" Face Values "too low"...

Then we went on to create Silver and Gold Coins with Weights and Face Values that didn't make any sense...

We needed to keep the Central Bank Owners and their Agents "confused"...

This allowed us to pull it off, without them suspecting what was going on...

So, here we are, with Staggering Amounts of Silver and Gold, to "Jump Start" our New and improved U.S. Monetary System...

We will be returning to the use of "Circulating" Silver and Gold U.S. Coinage...

Along with our Collector Coinage, the Face Values of our Silver and Gold Coins will Range from $1 to $100...

It appears that we're going to replace Paper Fiat USD's with our New Silver and Gold Coins, but that's not the case at all...

Since there is only 1% Spending Power remaining in each Paper Fiat USD, there will be a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate taking place during the "Redemption Period"...

Fiat USD's will be removed and replaced with our Paper Coinage, that will be denominated from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

Our Common U.S. Coinage is perfect the way they are now...

Because our Paper and Common Coinage will be increasing 100 Fold in Spending Power, it became obvious that we needed to Create "Electronic" Decimal Cents...

This lead to what I believe will be our U.S. Crypto Coinage, that will be 100% backed by U.S. Gold Coinage...

When I write 100% backed, I mean "Face Value" for "Face Value"...

This means $100 in U.S. Crypto Coinage can be used to obtain a One Ounce $100 U.S. Gold Coin at the Bank, or any Combination of $100 in U.S. Gold Coins...

Feel free to hold onto your Gold Coins if you want, but it will be faster and much easier to do Business using our U.S. Crypto Coinage...

The Banks will be using all the Gold they've been obtaining, to get their hands on "our" U.S. Crypto Coinage along with our "Circulating" Gold Coins...

This leads me to believe that the United States will be Shipping "Staggering" amounts of U.S. Gold Coins, all over the world, along with our U.S. Crypto Coinage...

No wonder President Trump said the United States was going to become the Crypto Capital of the World...

I figured out how it needs to happen, along with how to get in on the Ground Floor...

It's easy to see how to get in on the Ground Floor, so I won't be repeating those words in this blog...

If the answer isn't obvious to you, feel free to ask...


Thanks for reading and feel free to comment...


You place the paving stones well, I would also place something permeable, both water and light look for a way to escape.

As i was layering the Mulch and Dirt, I allowed a layer of Mulch to stay near the outer ring of pavers, as I added the layers of Dirt and Mulch... Besides, any excess water will make it's way back to the center... Thanks for noticing...