Shall we Play a Game...


Will the Rules be hard to understand, or do you think any 4th Grade Student would easily understand...???

Here goes my Wild imagination again...

I could come up with a new Board Game that uses, (make believe) Sound Money...

I suppose Crypto Coinage could be used on Printed Cards, if you land on a certain Box...

We have Paper Coinage denominated in Cents...

I suppose Chips could be used for Common Coinage...

I suppose Chips could also be used for the Silver and Gold Coinage...

Do you think we'd be able to pay our Bills as we Circle the Board...???

Perhaps, it would just be easier using Paper Coinage...


I see a lot of you have many of your Christmas Wishes posted already...

I hope they all come true in the Very Near Future...

If my Christmas Wish comes true, I'm going to be Rolling in U.S. Crypto Coinage...

I've known how to get in on the Ground Floor, for a long time now...

I plan on doing a lot of Spending on the other side of the Reset...

There's no way I'd want to carry that many "Heavy Gold Coins" in my Pockets...

But wouldn't that be a nice problem to have...???

I do try to look at the Good Side of things...

I doubt that I'd be carrying a Pocket Full of Heavy Silver Coins either...

There will be no end to the U.S. Crypto Coinage I'll be able to carry with me...

I plan on doing Huge Amounts of Spending, once I start selling the Silver and Gold to the U.S. Treasury...

I'm expecting to get $9 for every ounce of Silver and $90 for every ounce of Gold...

Circulating Silver Coins will back our Paper and Common Coinage, with the help of Collector Silver, Platinum and Palladium Coins...

Gold Coins will be used to back our U.S. Crypto Coinage...

U.S. Crypto Coinage may also be known as USCC...

So, what do you think of my Wild imagination now...???


Feel free to comment...


Yesterday President Trump was at the Super Bowl

President Trump is my hero...