One Ounce of Silver will get me Two Ounces of Gold...

in #silvergoldstackers3 months ago (edited)


This is when the Melt Value of Silver will be $180 and the Melt Value of Gold will be $90...

I admit, that what I just wrote seems to be a little far fetched, but it's not...

Our One Ounce Gold Coins will have $100 Face Values and will remain "Stable" in Phases One, Two and Three of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

This is why I picked U.S. Gold Coins to back our U.S. Crypto Coinage...

I won't go into any details, but our Silver Coins will need to be adjusted, from time to time...

But that's a good thing, because it will allow "us" to do what we do best...

Our Silver Coins along with our Collector Silver, Platinum and Palladium Coins will be used to back our New Paper Coinage along with our Existing U.S. Common Coinage...

According to my Calculations, we "now' have "Staggering" amounts of Precious Metal Backing for our Paper and Common U.S. Coinage...

This should give "us" a very Smooth Transition into Phase One of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

What most people don't seem to realize is that "We the People" have Staggering amounts of Common U.S. Coinage, "Standing By"...

Our Common U.S. Coinage along with our New Paper Coinage will be used to remove and replace "Physical Fiat USD's" at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, with "no loss" of Spending Power...

Physical Fiat USD's will actually experience a "slight" increase in Spending Power during the "Redemption Period"...

This means the "Face Values" of our Common U.S. Coinage, along with our New Paper Cents, will be increasing 100 Fold in Spending Power...

Our New Paper Coinage will range from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

It will make it easier for people to deal with the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

We the People, own the "rights" to U.S. Paper Coinage...

Again, it all seems pretty hard to believe at first glance, but I've become my own Best Student, and I'm convinced this is going to become a reality...

Guess what will get me in on the Ground Floor of "Existing" U.S. Crypto Coinage...???

Otherwise, it will take One Ounce of Gold to obtain $90 in "New" U.S. Crypto Coinage...

If I have $90 in Common Coinage, I'll be able to obtain $90 in "Existing" U.S. Crypto Coinage...

So, which way seems to make the most sense...???

Do you think I should obtain $90 in U.S. Crypto Coinage, using an Ounce of Gold, or with $90 in Common U.S. Coinage...???

This is something everyone needs to decide for themselves...

Oh wow, look what the U.S. Mint will be offering at the end of Next Month...



Each one of these $1 Coins will be "equal to" having 100 of our One Cent Coins...

Multiply that by a 100 Fold increase in their Spending Power, and wow...

I'll be able to buy boxes of 250 of these $1 U.S. Coins, directly from the U.S. Mint...

If the Reset happens first, I may have to pay $250 in our New Crypto Coinage, plus Collector Premiums, for the same Box of 250 of these $1 Coins...

I think it would be wise of me to go to the U.S. Mints Product Schedule for "2024" and buy One Box with the Philadelphia Mint Marks and One Box with the Denver Mint Marks...

Here's what they look like...


They're only 289.75 of today's Digital Fiat USD's per Box of 250 "$1" U.S. Coins...

I can also buy 100 Coin Bags "or" $25 Rolls of Uncirculated $1 U.S. Coins...

Postage is very reasonable, considering what I'll be getting in the Mail...

The U.S. Mint Ships these $1 Coins all over the World, if you're interested...

I need to remind myself that they come with "both" Philadelphia "or" Denver Mint Marks...

In other words, for "less" than 100 of today's Digital Fiat USD's over and above the Face Values of 2 Boxes of these Coins, I can obtain 500 of these $1 U.S. Coins...

Even if I'm wrong about the Reset, these Coins can be sold as "Collector Coinage"...

I consider them to be a very good buying opportunity...


Feel free to hold onto your Paper Dollars, because they will be the Best "Fiat" Currency to be holding at the time of the Reset...

Physical Fiat USD's can be Redeemed at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, into Sound Money, which will actually allow the redeemers to experience a "slight increase" in Spending Power...

Holding Digital Fiat USD's is another Story, which I won't be going into unless asked...

Just know that "We the People" are looking out for our own best interests...

So, who am I, that I have such power, you might ask...

I'm just "the one" doing the Typing, plus I "now" hold the Golden Carrot...

It does help knowing "We the People" own the "Rights" to all U.S. Coinage...

I typically blame what I write on my Wild imagination, but there are things I dare not write...

I do admit to being a Time Traveler, since I use the Present as a means to Travel into the Very Near Future...

The Present is very Special, since it's where everything takes place...

The Day will Come, when One Ounce of Silver will get me Two Ounces of Gold...

This is because Gold will remain "Stable" while Silver will not...

There's a plan in place to Reset the Face Values of our Silver Coins...

As far as Phase One of the Reset is concerned, I believe our Common U.S. Coinage will out perform Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin...

Since Bitcoin is unstable, I don't think it stands a chance in Hell against our U.S. Crypto Coinage, which "will" make the United States the Crypto Capital of the World...

I'd be concerned if I owned Bitcoin, once U.S. Crypto Coinage is Officially Announced...

It is possible to find other uses for Bitcoin, and I'm okay with that...


What do you want to know...???

I love writing about my Silver and Gold discoveries...


Outside in the Sunlight, looking through a 40X Pocket Magnifier, the entire Rock has a Metallic look about it...

I don't know if I should call it a Rock or a Nugget...

It's tempting to Smash it to Dust and do an Assay, but this Rock is Special to me...

I can always go back and pick up more...

In fact, I'm going to buy an Electric Mountain Bike that Folds in Half, so I can bring it with me as far as me Car will take me, then get as close as I can to where I picked up these ore samples...

I'm going to try and carry 50 pounds of ore to my Electric Mountain Bike and haul it back to my Car...

Fifty Pounds should give me about 300 Ounces of Gold and possibly 500 ounces of Silver...


l'm starting to think there "could be" up to 6 Ounces of Gold per Pound of Ore...

Not Per Ton of Ore, I'm writing "Per Pound" of Ore...

I'm very excited about the Golden Carrot, since its Gold Content is so obvious...

The Silver is also very obvious to me now...

I love Zooming in on the Golden Carrot and seeing how the Silver and Gold are Woven together, which allows the Rock to keep its shape...

The Colors under different lighting conditions, also helps to bring out the fine details...

If you think I shouldn't be excited about my discoveries, please tell me why...



You talk about the restart, I don't know what to say, my opinion is that the economy has cycles, but it is also influenced, it is difficult to accept what you say

I realize, it's not easy for most people to believe what I write... Is there any part that you're having trouble believing...???

When you mention cryptocurrencies I think of the great manipulation of this market, I am waiting for an increase in the SBD to make profits and look how this moves.

You'll be able to count on U.S. Crypto Coinage being Stable... I've been watching Bitcoin and I just don't see it as a Monetary Tool that can be counted on from moment to moment... I just hope you get out at the right time...

Look at the difference in this panel.
Here I have found good people, you first, I will never forget your support, and now the Italian community, fair-minded, good-hearted people.

My mission is to End the Fed and the Income tax, by removing Fiat USD's and returning to "Circulating" Silver and Gold "Coins"... U.S. Crypto Coinage is a Very Big Plus... I can't wait for the Announcements...