in #silvergoldstackers4 years ago (edited)



All of a sudden Mira felt a wave of unbearable pain in her belly. She called her mother out loud in sheer agony. Mom rushed towards her room and saw Mira’s miserable condition. She gave her medicine, which provided some momentary solace as she breathed a sigh of relief. Lying still in her bed, she wondered what is wrong with her, contemplating, cursing and hoping for a speedy recovery.

Barely an hour had passed before the pain returned with more intensity than it did earlier. She screamed for her mother again and made a dash towards the bathroom . Her mother hearing her voice came running towards her room where she saw her vomiting into the water closet . She eyed her suspiciously for a few seconds gave her a stern look before helping her back to her bed.

When her condition did not improve and her belly started to swell, whole family became dubious. Every one raised eyebrows and started questioning, ” To whom have you sold your pride, with whom you have committed this sin, who is responsible for this weasel.” Her torment enlarged as she saw her loved one’s skepticism, antagonizing her character. She could have endured the pain of her illness but the way she was treated by her custodians was heart wrecking.

As time flew, her family segregated her in a dark corner and snubbed her completely. It was not her mistake as she was born in the society of self-righteous clowns. She, who once was the jewel of every one’s crown, was now a divergent who irritated them all. Father who use to call her his pride, now abominated her. Brothers had turned into beasts whom she loathes to her core. Mother who use to get worried when she had headaches now wanted to take her life.

Mira was mentally confined to a dark cell in which even light refuses to enter. Her eyes turned yellowish as she rot in that cage, sinking in her own blood, breathing an air contaminated by her vomit’s stink. She cried in agony as her muscles shrieked. Her screams grew intense with each passing moment. No one paid any heed to her sufferings as she slowly drifted towards her last breath.

To add salt to her wounds, her acrimonious parents decided to poison her and clean themselves from this spiteful disdain.
Mom mixed it in her food and served it to her. She hadn’t seen Mira’s face for days, a face who disgusted her now so she spit at the sight of it as she offered Mira her last meal. She had trouble swallowing it. As the poison coursed through her veins Mira started screeching ferociously.

Even the neighbors heard her screams and gathered around. They forced her family, who silently stood in corner out of shame, to help her and take her to a doctor. They tried to negate that opinion salvaging some pride but had to give up. Due to the severity of the case she was taken to the Intense Care Unit directly. The doctor inquired about her parents and directed his staff to move Mira to the operating theater without any further delay.

As the doctor met the sight of her parents, he lost his control and lashed out. “What kind of ignorant fools you are, you bloody vicious skunks, I want to rip you into pieces for your brutal conduct. How can you be so inhumane towards your own flesh.” Mira’s parents stood amazed in front of him as he kept yelling. He finally made them realized what a consequential sin they have committed by attempting to kill their own child. “She was not pregnant you dolts she had a belly tumor, Which we could have cured her of if you hadn’t poisoned her. Now pray to God, that she survives otherwise God himself won’t forgive you for what you have done.”

Mira’s parents froze in their footsteps as they heard what doctor said. A lightening bolt had just struck them and they felt the weight of the universe on their hearts. Her father hid his face in disgust and banged his head into the wall. Tears rolled down her mother’s cheek as she rushed towards her dying daughter. She met her at the door step of the operating theater and saw her lifeless face after days.

Mira opened her eyes, saw her mother and lifted her hand towards her in apology. She wanted to speak but her body was too frail. She lacked the strength to even move her lips. Tears flew from her eyes as she saw the shameful face of her mother. She tried to lift herself up to hold her, taking her last breath. She wanted to tell her mother that she do not blame them for anything but her soul defied her and left her body. Her mother befittingly saw life squeezed out of her daughter as she felt the chill of her last breath which sent a shiver down her spine.

Mira had left this world, her face was stern cold. She fought hardheartedly but lost, lost to the cruel society and its bizarre norms. Her face was barren who had no hope of life on it. Her eyes open, filled with questions. She became the victim of myopic thinking - an evil her society has been harboring for centuries. She left the world for a crime she had not committed, leaving behind her murderers, who’ll be haunted by their archaic beliefs till they too meet the same fate, they had inflicted upon her.