
What are the fundamentals to cause such a rally?

Fundamentals? lolol! I see no fundamentals in any market. Just paper in the wind.

I like silver and gold, just not at these prices. I believe silver could be going lower in the long run. Metals are a fear trade, without fear from the general public, metals could chop in a range longer than most realize. While I believe all western governments are devoid Rule of Law, which could cause sovereign defaults. The US dollar is still the reserve currency. Until that changes the USA with all of it´s faults, could stay solvent longer than we realize.

Rates are at all time lows for the USA, rates will eventually creep up. A strong dollar will not bode well for silver. Even silver as an industrial metal could change with advanced materials such as graphene and stanene, which is supposed to be better than graphene.

Plus silver has been trading fib resistance to a fib target , which shows strong selling enters the market when it reaches fib resistance. Be it a mythical group of evil banks suppressing the metals market, PPT selling metals. Whatever it is, the fact remains, silver gets sold hard by big money, more money than we can imagine. Why even try to fight them? Metals bulls have been slaughtered repeatedly, since the 2011 highs. Where they still come to slaughter, because buying sentiment is strong.

I clearly remember in the late 90,s and early 2000,s. Nobody was talking about oil and metals were on the verge of experiencing a bull market. Just mentioning a commodities bull market would get strange looks. I do not see that same sentiment. I get strange looks when I say metals could go down more, like into the single digits. What about dollar sentiment, it´s really low. Google dollar crash and you can find pages upon pages of results. I believe we are currently witnessing a bull market correction with the dollar.

I believe silver has a chance to retest 13.65, where if that number breaks 12.25 could be it´s next target. However, 13.65 would most likely see a bounce if price trades there again. There is an even bigger setup that has not traded to it´s target yet @ 5.11 which will probably never trade. Who knows? I don´t, because my crystal ball is broken.

Yes fundamentals. What is the catalyst for silver to make a massive rally in the next six months? Something has to drive it. Whatever it is, you should have sound reasoning, bull or bear, why you believe silver is going up. I want to understand your vantage point. As an educator, I am sure you can come up with a better answer.

Why do fundamentals have to drive anything? I see many say that technicals no longer matter. I say that fundamentals no longer matter when your government can just simply issue trillions and prop up its economy. So, I'm actually basing my charting on... yes, trends.

So, based upon my hypothesis that fundamentals no longer matter (look at equities), why should they matter in any sector?

"I say that fundamentals no longer matter when your government can just simply issue trillions and prop up its economy" that is a twisted fundamental. But the FED has shown printing money does not cause hyper inflation like many have preached. Hyperinflation has more to do with loss of confidence in a currency over the amount of currency in the system. With the dollar as reserve currency, it could be the last one standing.

The euro zone still has many problems not addressed and they refuse to address their problems. Brexit is happening, Macron whispered a possible frexit yesterday, then there is talk of a italyexit. Spain has to deal with a real possibility Catalonia voting to be independent. This would crush Spain and their pension ponzi scheme. Catalonia is the wealthiest state, where losing it´s tax revenue would cripple the Spanish government.

Germany is facing a pension crisis too. Plus , German elections September 24 2017. Merkel will probably win, but there is rising opposition to her reign. A lot of pieces are setting up for a euro zone storm. In my unprofessional opinion, the euro zone could experience serious problems going into the next few years. There is another problem that will eventually have to be dealt with in Europe. All the Muslims who have set up no go zones. This will come to a head sooner than later. Especially all the new arrivals. They will most likely be slated for deportation. That will cause severe riots. Let´s not forget the euro leftists who will riot with the Muslims. The EU is a ticking time bomb.

I believe the GBP and Euro will return to their bear market trend, and when they do, the dollar will skyrocket.

Fundamentals do matter. There are reasons why the dollar could continue to rally in the long term, where metals go sideways to down, because of a strong dollar. Even if you believe the dollar is a turd, it´s still the most shiny turd in town.

do you publish charts on tradingview?

July 17th SILVER will Finally Break Free from the Manipulation!

why that day? :)

If equities start taking off like GM is talking about would that not put more down pressure on the PM's.

I like GM, but I'm not convinced that equities are going to take off.

Fair enough. I'm not to sure either.

I feel like your title should have a question mark next to the exclamation since it's not easy to rely on the technicals for Silver, especially when it seems to "do what it wants" at times. ; )

Maybe. But I'm looking at historical trends that favor a move up.

Maestro, you were right. I sold my SLV 16C yesterday and opened 14.5P. Gonna get a spanking this morning. Silver up .32

God i wished... im losing enormous amounts of money

don't sell!