SILVER Current Price $19.57oz..!! 2016 Year End Target = $27.08oz..!!

in #silver9 years ago (edited)

Year End Target = $27.08oz..!!

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Silver is just Silver . . .
So I will not talk about gold, but gold is the exact opposite of Silver. Silver is a reactive metal to oxidation. It is always tarnishing so while White initially it is always discoloring toward black. And; Black is very ugly.

People buy silver but reality says there is simply to much silver around for it to become valuable. Now do not misunderstand me here , I love Silver as an investment metal. 30 % of my coin portfolio contains Silver but you cannot ever clean Silver coins because coins have ' flow lines ' tiny lines from the minting process. Once those lines are rubbed off the coin is worthless as a currency except for its weight in Silver metal.

All my coins are Gold, Platinum and Silver ; these are tiny pieces of art work so the beauty of the metal ensures my coins increase in value even as the metal value of Silver fluctuates. However Silver simply cannot dramatically increase in value . . .

The reason there are uncounted tonnes of Silver coins and other Silver just sitting around. Once Silver hits a record high price that Silver will invade the market and destroy the supply and demand marketplace. Yes Silver is important and there is simply so much non-utilized Silver available that how can the demand totally outstrip supply.

In the 1980's some very rich Americans inflated the price of Silver to $80/ounce but could not corner the market (Hunt's Billionaires to Bankrupt). To put this another say, Silver is a " smoke and mirrors " currency. The people who invent the fiction of Silver becoming mega value , Upmarket Silver because they cannot overcome the reality of Gold. No matter who these people are they know they can never control most of the gold supply ; primarily because most of the gold in sitting in politically controlled Government banks. Thus they must try and influence people toward Silver.

Can Silver do better , of course ; can it totally change its market price history ?
Impossible ; a Leopard has spots , if that leopard suddenly has stripes its a completely different animal called a Tiger. Such animals cannot change their nature , nor can base metals . . .

You have to admit it must take some doing for billionaires to actually go bankrupt ; )

Thanks for the reply I appreciate the comments. Where I am coming from is BLOCKCHAIN and it's application to the OTC DERIVATIVES MARKET nothing else. I have just posted another piece on GOLD and that points out that GOLD will hit $27,000oz once all DERIVATIVES are put on the BLOCKCHAIN. Silver for sure will be a MINIMUM of $700oz when this happens and it will all be done within the next 6 years this I can guarantee..!! Cheers Stephen

I'm a big fan of silver. Right up my alley, thank you for the post.
upvoted and already followed

Thanks I appreciate all the support. Cheers. Stephen

I think this is probably conservative. If the world situation continues to deteriorate and people finally catch on then there will be a rush to the door to buy gold and silver. Who knows what the top will be. Stephen, I know you have seen my post but I will put it up for others.

No problem. Share away. The more that wake up to the fact that this hairy fairy disneyland world we have been living since the mid '80's is about to come to a screaming halt..!! Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it and need more like you to join us on Steemit. Cheers. stephen

An interesting way to invest in gold and silver. See my reply post here>

Will it hold there?

You're kidding ....right? We have a target of +$700.00oz by 2021..!! Stephen

No. I am serious. I am a trader. I need to make some money every month.

It will go there and higher before the end of the year according to those in the know. ie. Jim Willie, David Morgan, etc.

I am long silver and expecting maybe $25 this year.

$25.00oz will be loose change..!! We're in it for the $700.00oz..!! Cheers. Stephen

Agree. Our $27.08oz is a conservative target on it's way to $700.00oz over the next 5 years. We are already in Month 9 of the NEW 6 year BULL MARKET..!! Cheers. Stephen

If you are a trader I would STRONGLY suggest that get a grip of BLOCKCHAIN and it's application to the OTC DERIVATIVES Market. If you don't you will loose a lot of money..!! Cheers. Stephen

Thank you for posting. Would you be so kind as to write an article regarding this dynamic?

No problem. When I joined Steemit a few weeks ago I wanted to bring up my followers gently. In the coming days, weeks, months I intend to explain how BLOCKCHAIN DERIVATIVES will change Global Economics way beyond the imagination of even the smartest of analysts. It really will be a Game Changer. Cheers. Stephen

Just read this today:
"Ripple, a startup building a protocol for facilitating payments between banks, received a 55 mUSD series B funding, taking them up to a total of 93 mUSD. Ripple is now one of the most well-funded companies in the industry together with companies such as R3, and they are trying to improve centralised value transfer solutions using blockchain technology.

We see a strong continuation of the long-term trend that banks and financial institutions are moving towards building their blockchains instead of integrating with already existing and established ones like bitcoin. This trend, from a short-term perspective, might be suppressing the price of bitcoin since funding, research and media exposure are aimed at more traditional value transfer solutions.

However, since the innovation that bitcoin and blockchain technology allow for is open and borderless value transfer, we believe that many attempts to use this technology to improve centralised and closed solution will have little to no effect. Due to the allowance of permissionless innovation in an open system such as bitcoin, closed systems will not be able to adapt to the speed of change.

In short, focusing on the wrong thing will lead to a loss of market share, so on a long-term perspective, we believe that this trend will have a positive impact on bitcoin."

Your thoughts on Ripple?

The future is definitely CryptoCurrencies and these will challenge FIAT Currencies in a battle for strength. Ripple is no different from them all. They will all outpace FIAT. The big one is yet to come..!! That is the new Global DERIVATIVE DIGITAL CURRENCY that will be the daddy of the Digital Currencies and will become the new Global Reserve Currency. 100% guaranteed that this will happen..!! Cheers. Stephen