$9 Silver and $90 Gold, "Payable" in "Circulating" Silver and Gold U.S. Coins...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #silver2 years ago

Keep in mind, that their "Melt Values" must be at least 10% lower than their Face Values...

Sell the U.S. Treasury One Ounce of Silver and I have good reason to believe you'll get back a 1/2 Ounce $5 Silver Coin and 2 of the 1/5 Ounce $2 Silver Coins, for a Total of $9 in U.S. Silver Coins...

Sell the U.S. Treasury One Ounce of Gold and I have good reason to believe you'll get back a 1/2 Ounce $50 Gold Coin and 2 of the 1/5 Ounce $20 Gold Coins, for a Total of $90 in U.S. Gold Coins...

I'm expecting to see "Staggering Amounts" of Silver and Gold, Flooding into the United States Treasury...

I'm also expecting to see "Staggering Amounts" of our Silver and Gold Coins being Shipped back to where the Silver and Gold came from...

Remember, that everyone will be Paid in U.S. Silver and U.S. Gold Coins with Face Values of $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100...

Sell 10 Ounces of Silver and get back 9 of our One Ounce, $10 Silver Coins...

Keep in mind that "each" One Ounce $10 Silver Coin will have the Spending Power of 1,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

Sell 10 Ounces of Gold to the U.S. Treasury, and get back 9 of our One Ounce, $100 Gold Coins...

Keep in mind that a One Ounce $100 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 10,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

This is because of the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate I see during the Redemption Period, for Physical Fiat USD's...

The 100 to 1 Exchange Rate will cause "no loss" in Spending Power...

Think of it as a Reverse Split...

The Numbers will get Smaller, but the Spending Power will remain Stable...

If a Can of Beans or a Cup of Coffee costs 5 Fiat USD's today, they will cost 5 Cents on the other side of the Reset...

I bet everyone will be wishing they had a Piggy Bank filled with Common U.S. Coinage...

So, what makes me think Common U.S. Coinage will "out-perform" Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies...???

I have good reason to believe that our Common U.S. Coinage will be used to "make change" for our New Product Line of "Circulating" U.S. Silver and Gold Coins...

Trust me when I write that "We the People" have Staggering amounts of Silver and Gold, "Standing By"...

When I write Standing By, I mean "Waiting for the Switch to be Flipped"...

No one sees this coming, unless they've been reading my Blogs...

I think it's been in the "Works" for "Decades"...

I just happened to figure it out, before the Switch is Flipped...

The Very Near Future has been Passing through me, my entire Life...

I tend to see things that others over look...

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns...


A coffee for you and another for me, while we work :)

I'm always on break, when I drink my coffee...

I drink it while I work, but I respect your way of doing things and of course you, I sent you a coffee to share

Coffee has always been my Drink of Choice...