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RE: ...

in #silverlast year

I suppose I did keep mentioning the end of the Redemption Period... I guess it will come to its own end... What's really important, is the end of the Legal Tender Status... The Legal Tender Status may end in just a couple years...

Digital Fiat was created by Bank Loans with Promises to Repay... To me, this falls under "Rental Money" which requires "Rental Fees"... I'm really not sure how much time it will take for the Banks to convert their Digital Fiat over to our Electronic Coinage...

If the Banks want to stay in Business, they will need to convert to our Electronic Coinage... This may be why the Central Bank Owners are buying up all the Gold and Silver they can get their hands on...

If a Bank fails, anyone covered by FICA insurance will receive the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate up to $2,500 in Electronic Coinage for up to 250,000 Digital Fiat USD's...

I'm thinking that Debt will not be forgiven, so if a person has any outstanding Debt obligations, they will be Reset (on the Books) at the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

This is why I keep trying to let people know how important I think it is to obtain Common U.S. Coinage on this side of the U.S. Monetary Correction... If I happen to own 30,000 Fiat USD's on a Car Loan, I'll be able to pay it off in full for $300 in Common U.S. Coinage...


Much appreciation!

Have you been preparing for what I see heading our way...??? Do you use Cash, in order to get back change...???

yes, prefer to use cash to receive change back

What do you think is the most convincing part of "my version" of what's to come...???

From the very beginning, when I had the experience of reading your posts nearly seven years ago- it was the "fairness" of "your version."

It also solved so many problems with gold and silver "fixed" in price as backed assets. And loved the fact that "common people" or the middle class here in America would have a chance to share in the wealth with common coinage.

I had the experience of seeing it as an "across the board fix to all of the economic problems where no one would be hurt or lose any wealth."

"Your version" is fair to all!

Thank you for such kind words... Your words give me hope that my words are getting through to others... Even those who are not prepared at all will benefit, since we will be able to eliminate Federal Income Tax...

Yes, that in itself is such a huge plus!