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RE: ...

in #silverlast year

Many people will prefer using our Electronic Coinage... I'm sure we'll have plenty of Electronic in Circulation... I'm sure "We the People" will decide what to issue as we Mint our New Precious Metal Coins... When all our Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage and Common Coinage is all added up, there "must' be an "equal" Face Value amount of our Silver Coins, Gold Coins, Platinum Coins and Palladium Coins... That's the Perfect Balance that will be needed for a 100% backing...


Much appreciation for the replies! Take care please!

Keep in mind that everything I write comes to me in the here and now... This has forced me to give it a lot of thought... My answers are the best ones I was able to come up with... They didn't come from any book... I could be wrong about something, so if you do spot something, be sure to let me know, so I can give it more thought... Thanks...

Much appreciation

Wow, you have quite a post going on here...