Silverbugs: Overpriced Silver!
Hey Steemit!
Silver is a good investment. I believe, along with many others, that silver is very undervalued at the moment, so purchasing it will prove quite lucrative in the future.
Here is a post where, instead of buying reasonably priced silver to invest in, I purchase overpriced (but absolutely beautiful and stunning) coins. Don't try this at home folks! At least, not until you already have plenty of the cheap stuff!
On with the coins.
First we have the South Korean Silver Clay Chiwoo Cheonwang. Pictured here is the Korean god of war, Chiwoo Cheonwang, sitting astride his horse and bearing an intricate shield. Love the shield detail!
On the other side, we get a close up of the shield! This is a one ounce piece of 999 silver. It's face value is one "clay" which is actually not a unit of money but of land. (This coin is not legal tender.)
I got four of these bad boys.
Get it from here:
Next up we have this ...just jaw dropping, lovely coin, featuring Zeus, the head of the Greek pantheon. This is a high relief coin with an antique finish. Zeus is gilded with a Rose Gold plate.
Trying to show you the high relief here, Zeus is raised considerably from the coin.
This coin is two ounces of pure .999 silver (tarnished with a little bit of that gold stuff). This is actually a legal tender coin on Nuie Island with a face value of 5 dollars. Can you imagine going to a store and trying to pay with this coin?
Buy this coin here:
6 ounces of pure (overpriced) silver to my stack...
I am a silver bug too! Silver is really very cheap now with gold/ silver ratio around so I purchase silver coins and bars regularly. Your coins look quite uncommon and I don't have any one of them. Which is your favourite mint?
I'll go with the mint of Poland because I really like the Zeus coin.
Thank you, i will take a look into their coins. :) I usually come across coins from Royal Canadian, Perth and the Royal Mint.
wow yeah that REALLLy caught my eyes!

Nice coins, they will be cheap purchased now when you look back in a few years time.
Those are cool! Here's a bit of overpriced silver you won't want to miss :)
Why would you spend over $200 on a 2 ounce silver coin?
What? Open your eyes! Do you not see how beautiful that coin precious...
Nice here is one of mine Royal Canadian Mint
Very nice. It looks like you obtained your coin from Mirror Earth though, a rare find!
Mirror Earth ha!!
I don't have any silver or gold.
The stuff I bought for my dad when I was in high school, got cleaned out when my ____ brother cleaned out my dad's condo when he died before I could get there and actually oversee things fairly and then he changed the locks on me.
The key I had since I was a kid, for the last 35 yrs. did not work, that was a sad day to see the disrespect shown by him.
wow so sad to hear family members screwing each other over so biblically for "a few pieces of silver" lol its ok ur brother will get karma but then again its ur brotheer and u dont want ur brothe rgetting bad karma, but ya u will make so much money here on steemit and whenur brother oins steemit we can all grill him and tell him how he should pay u ome steem fo rthose coins lol blockchain will help air out eeryones dirty laundry! It will be good for transparency an familis will even be broight closer together!
i had stolen from my parents before wen i used to do heroine years ago and iim goingto be paying my parnets a few hudnred dollars but not for that justto give the some rent mony snce i finally have a ob here on steemit now and y parents normally have so many friends on facebook who surf with tnem here insan diego and my mom gets lke 70 likes on her facebook photos! and i was liek "Mom u get 70 likes? " and my mok went "Oh i always get like 70 likes!" and i was liek MOM u could be making mony on steemit!" and my mom ad dad are gonna let me use all their facebook photos and post em here and u should do the same! once u get followers andpeople are interested in your prsonal life, make a pst about ur family!
my post is gonna have photos of me handing my parents cash OR just sening them bitcoin bnow that my parents boght some Bitcoinnd ethereum back when etherem was $180 and so they watch their coinbase apps and get excited for crypto now!
Its so exciting to gget ur famiily on steemit! u should do it man!
Some great coins you got there i just did a post on stunning little coin maybe you can check it out..i mainly do coin posts as thats what i am a stacker and collector.
We have a lot of silver investors here on steemit. I'm a Morgan collector; but I have some similar coins. My favorite collection is my Hot Wheels collection, and my second favorite collection is my silver collection.
Are you ever concerned with fakes? I saw on YT where guys let the coin slide down a small slide of neodymium magnets to tell if real or fake.
Yes, I do worry about it. I perform tests on my silver, as described in this old post:
OK cool! That was before I was here!
I do have one of the slides made by cct or cybercurtaintwitcher on youtube.
The original slide as far as i know
This is my one in zebrano
I clicked, getting ready to get really sarcastic... I thought you were gonna tell me that silver was currently overpriced! hahaha!
I don't know when we'll be saying that about silver... not for a little while, anyhow.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you my friend have a lot of beautiful coins there!
Over priced?
I don't think so, rarity is worth more than common everyday assets.