The Surprising Cure Of The Fear Of Unknown

in #significant4 years ago (edited)

The topic is really important because you need to acknowledge your fear of the unknown and the reason is, fear of the unknown stops you from experiencing life it keeps you within the same closed loop of your life doing the same thing in the same place with the same people over and over and over again and never expanding and experiencing even anything new in your life because you're afraid of what you don't know so you stay with what you do know at the expense of that unknown and the unknown is exciting as much as it as maybe terrifying so it's important to understand that there's a price to pay, of course for living with a fear of the unknown the thing is that your nature as a human being, as progressive, you are evolutionary by nature all human beings are evolutionary by nature we are to evolve, to expand, to learn, to explore, to adventure even within the small moments of our day-to-day life so you're not designed to stay stuck, you're not designed to stay in a closed loop even you're not designed to never experiencing anything more than you're currently experiencing.
So imagine that you're standing in a small circle and you can see a circle drawn around your feet where you are standing, now I want you to think of that as your comfort zone. so within that small circle is everything that you know, you know that small circle well you've been living inside that small circle for your entire life, you feel like you've got control that small circle because it's very familiar to you it feels very certain to you. you know what things happen in that circle you know who's in that circle you know how to do things in that circle you know how life goes within that circle that comfort zone, I want you to think of it like it's got a perimeter fence around it an electric fence and that electric fence is run by your fear which means that you don't cross the boundary of your comfort zone, your control zone, your certainty zone, your knowing and unfamiliar zone because of your fear. what lies beyond that circle for you, beyond that comfort zone out into the expanse of the rest of the world is what you perceive is totally unknown and uncertain for you, that even outside of that known circle, unknown territory unknown people, places, ways of operating are totally unfamiliar even not within your control in feeling and that uncertainty, the lack of control of the unknown generates the fear, that runs your comfort zone and you ask question to yourself that why you stay there.
Now the root cause problem of all of that fear of the unknown is one thing and that is, most people are addicted to wanting to know exactly what's going to happen, they are addicted to certainty and they are addicted to wanting control and that's why they stay within the comfort zone, control, certainty and familiarity. Now here is the hilarious paradox that you think you've got full control over in your comfort zone and outside of the zone you don't have control and that life is uncertain so you stay where you are, you stay away from anything new but you have no more control no more certainty standing where you currently stand. Then what happens, a few were to embark out on an adventure to go after a goal, to go after a dream to cross over the boundary of your for sewing you have no more control and no more certainty standing where you currently stand, then you have no other choice either to get adaptive to the situation.
certainty is a mental illusion that we create to make ourselves feel better and that might sound like it's a little dark and gloomy to say that but it's true you ask anyone who's had their life change in an instant because of circumstances changing beyond what they perceived could be possible.
I'm going to give you six steps to help you with that to live powerfully and peacefully in the face of inherent uncertainty of life.
Step 1.Controls your decisions and try to overcome your dream or goal restricted nature slowly and gradually.
Step 2.You must get really aware of the ways and watch that addiction to certainty is limiting the experience of your life and is blocking your goals and your dreams and your aspirations.
Step 3. I want you to write down exactly what you would do right now in your life today if you wrote down every single thing you want to achieve and struggle.
It was guaranteed you wouldn't just step forth you'd be running forth there'll be no stopping you because you want certainty and if you had certainty you'd jump after it.
Step 4. But if there's no certainty where you stand and there's no certainty out there it's you that's going to create the familiarity and it's going to be you that creates the gold or dream, there's nothing stopping you. the first thing to do is to at least acknowledge that you're done with the certainty that you're done with needing that you'll that you're done with living to that illusion and clinging to it and that you invite and these endless possibilities.
Step 5. As take one small action in relation to achieving the aspiration that you have your head for yourself just to kick-start the process of walking forward and to unfamiliar territory one tiny action anything at all reach out get information make a mind map of what you want to do list out the actions that you want to take anything at all that creates some kind of momentum and flow for you.
Step 6. Then lastly step is to just acknowledge yourself I want you to notice that despite opening yourself up to exciting possibility and being willing to live with the uncertainty of not necessarily knowing what's going to happen next you are still in one piece you are still alive and cooking and nothing bad has happened so it's really about saying gosh you know what I went beyond the comfort zone and look at me I'm fine and I've nudged the edges and my comfort zone is now larger I'm I've made the unfamiliar familiar the unknowing no one and then you've got to do this over and over and over again you just don't do it once you do it many times as you create a wider horizon for yourself.
So at the end, the really awesome quote
“When you come to the edge of all the light you have and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown believed that one of two things will happen either there will be something solid for you to stand on or you will be taught how to get through”.