wild flower. this flower grows many fields. This flower is very small and has a remarkable beauty. I often see this flower when crater. almost as long as the rice field embankment there is this flower
I do not know the name of this flower for sure. but this flower has the property to treat some skin diseases
This flower is efficacious to treat skin diseases
placed us in the countryside. This flower is often used as a medicinal herb to treat skin diseases such as ringworm, fungus and some other skin diseases. and only certain people can blend him.with a mixture of various other natural ingredients.
herbal treatment is already increasingly rarely used now because many people choose the doctor more instant treatment, this is very in pity because traditional medicine will be increasingly left behind and will even disappear slowly. because we do not empower or leave it for future generations
our lack of concern for preserving traditional herbs will slowly disappear. lack of public knowledge about the dangers of using chemical drugs so many people choose to use instant treatment
I am interested in using herbal remedies that are natural and protected from toxic chemicals.

in addition to this nutritious flower also has a remarkable beauty. and can be made as an ornamental plant at home. this plant has beautiful flowers, still rarely people see it because it is small and rarely found in the flower garden. This tanman may only grow around the rice fields

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