Ok I have been patient, but where is all my steemit rewards going? I am still getting $00.00 even on posts with over 100 upvotes? is everyone else getting paid normal like before except me? or anyone else getting $0?

in #sieemit8 years ago (edited)

FIRST OF ALL maybe i am a little entitled...I'll admit that...I got hooked on this easy steem money, and i started writing articles! Now I feel like a steemit junkie or a crypto-addict going through crypto-currrency payout withdrawls!
..I really have no power as to how much steemit is paying me in steem and I will simply be grateful to have a place to post without censorship.....and when i complain about my all of the sudden lack of payouts, I am simply being passionate about this blockchain that I love BECAUSE I believe in it!....I want to do everything possible to continue adding quality content unique to steemit AND to use steemit as a form of p2p blockchain decentralized MONETIZATION for Youtube Creators who want to still monetize their creations even when Youtube de-monetizes popular videos!
If I knew there was a way i could produce my own steemit extensions and upgrades I would go to school just to learn the programming language, or I will save up and pay a programmer (more efficient) to create the Steemit Enhancement Suite chrome extension I want so badly, and I ALSO wish for a steemit instagram linked account because THEn I would ALWAYS just post EVERYTHING from my Instagram.com/.ackza770 to my STEEMIT account and then anyone could just have everything they post to Instragra, (which already posts to twitter tumblr facebook flikr, if steemit was in that list of accounts you could link your instagram with, then we would be able to post to steemit without evcer actually having to go to steemit!

So even if I am not getting paid for my content on steemit like I was just a few weeks ago, even if I am getting $00.00 payouts for posts with plenty of views and over 100 upvotes, thats fine because I will always just post what I already have been posting to instagram for free, onto steemit as well! So If I can find a way to pay a programmer to develop an app that takes everything I post to instagram and post it to steemit, I could make alot of our lives easier....

But I want the payouts I was getting before the hard fork! And I am going to continue writing this post asking eher my steem has gone, because I want to FIGHT for my steem! Because I SINCERELy believe Steem and SBD will SOAR in vbalue! Steem is close to 20 cents right now and I KNOW it will reach $1 and i know it actually was at $4 at one point in time in the last two years, but I can TOTALLY see steem going PAST $4 to $10 and even $100! I believe ALl crypto currencies will get to $1000 like bitcoin given enough time! In the next few years I can forsee steem price going to $1 and beyond and I want to have a fat steemit account filled with at least a few hundred in steem and if I have to buy it myself with my own money I will! the real reason I am upset my posts have been giving me $00.00 payouts even with 50-100 upvote sis because i dont want to stop earning and saving steem! I wanna have enough steem now so that when it goes to $1 Ill be able to make the most out of it! And I only want to get rich to help others, I want to make enough money to create a new blockchain for sending 700 million chronically undernourished a daily crypto allowance for food liek basic income but just for those who go hungry everynight, and I want to build cheap homeless shelters using the ikea refugee shelter flat packs and use some sort of blockchain airbnb type system to help house every last one of the 500,000 homeless americans!

Ok I have been very patient, and I have tried to keep making content, but something is NOT right and it seems to only be effecting me still!! Why is it that everyone else is getting steem showing up as a few bucks here or there, and yet I get just as many upvotes, and yet my payouts have been STUCK at $00.00

...this is not right...it is an error...I wish I wasn't still being effected, but I am! And I haventr seen any comments from any other users for a long time now, everyone else is making money on their posts except my rewards are just NOT showing up like they used to a week or so ago before this "hard fork low payout mode" which for whatever reason, has taken away steem that I earned ....and not given me the steem i earn like everyone else is getting and like I USED to get no problem a few weeks ago before the hard fork!

Don't tell me for one second that you would ever put this kind of effort into steemit if you were not getting paid at all...Then it would just be like reddit! I was told I could earn steem...and I was..i did...i was earning steem for my succesful posts, and I planned on never cashing out and I even bought extra steem with my own money to save because I BELIEVE in this platform!

I BELIEVE in this blockchain! I BELIEVE in this site just as a sociual media site!

I WOULD make posts for free here JUSt for the decnbetralized zero censorship! But come on, how would YOU feel if steemit just started giving you ZERO steem even for posts with over 50 even 100 upvotes! Thats what happened to me! I was doing good here!, and then, all of the sudden, my rewards drop to $00.00 no I am NOT talking about low payouts NO i am talking about $00.00 ZERO NADA NOTHING ....please PLEASE do not comment if you don't really know what's going on....because I have had a lot of people on my previous post not even read what I wrote, and just assumed I was some noob without any upvotes wondering why he wasnt getting paid like the peopel who have succes here on steemit NO thats NOT what I am complaining about! And I am only comparing my payouts to posts with SIMILAR upvotes, views, etc, posts with the same upvotes as me get paid and I dont? its not fair at all!....this is only happening to me and a few other people and NOONE cares about us because noone else is still experiencing low payouts, and even if you did experience low payouts, NOONE except a few people experienced ZERO payouts like I still am experiencing! I garuntee you 10-0% you wouldnt even be here today if you had been getting as many $0 payouts as I have! i am only still here out of principle! I havent gotten paid a penny for my upvotes in 2 weeks or more now! You would be pissed if you were earning steem for YOUR work and then all of the sudden had all your steem payments cut to $0 even after you got 50-100 upvotes and posted multiple times a day...

I have had ONE post get to 11 cents and I had 51 upvotes, other than that all my new posts are still at $00.00 and that is just not fair that I am earning 0 for my hard work, when everyone else is earning a few bucks worth of steem for a post with over 50 upvotes!

This is NOT reduced payouts...this is someone or something stealing my steem....I did not sign up for this....i dont care if you think I am a whiney baby...I have NOWHERE ELSE to ASK about this problem! NOWHERE ELSE to talk about or even report it!

How could I even go about finding out where all my steem is?

If you all were getting a few bucks a day everyday on steemit and had accumulated almost $100 in two weeks, and then ALL of the sudden you started getting NOTHING $00.00 even when you post every day multiple posts a day that all get over 50 upvotes?! You would be a little mad too, a little frustrated

Now, can ANY ONE of you who is thinking about commenting, can you actually relate to my problem? are you also getting $0 payouts? because if not Id like to hear from other's who are sharing my EXACT problem..and please do not lie like others have while trying to explain this away, saying they also have experienced "low" payouts, no i have experienced 0 payouts, so if you just have had half your pay or a 4th your normal pay, I would gladly trade places with you anyday...If my posts started getting even a fraction of my previous paypouts Id be happy..even if i was only getting $1 max id be happy, but I am not getting anything...Zero, nothing

Steemit would NOT SURVIVE if everyone was getting $0 payouts

So I am forced to continue making posts about this until someone can help me find out how to stop this $0 payouts i am experiencing with my succesful content that is getting plenty of views and plenty of upvites, same amountr i had before when I WAS getting paid for my content!

Why am i getting $0? look!

see? im getting $00.00 when I used to get at least a few bucks per post with this many upvotes! and other peopels posts with 40 upvotes is at least a few bucks!

and look my LAST post to get paid like normal was at the bottom of this list

See? And just look at my blog www.steemit.com/@ackza/blog all $0 payoputs, yeah I have like 1 or two with 10 cents or 2 cents or 5 cents, but they SHOULD be WAY more than they! They ahve like over 45 upvotes and my past poists with that many upvotes would at least have afew dollars and everyone elses posts with 40+ upvotes has a few bucks just look at the front page!

Well I see on the front page some other peoiple are also getting VERY low payouts too, but noone else is experiencing the $0 payout like me EXCEPT for a VERY small group!

if i am wrong and you have also experienced zero payouts please let me know!

If EVERYONE has been barely getting paid, and if I am wrong about everyone getting paid like normal again, letr me know, I guess I cant get a real idea of the whole site from just teh front page, but users like @cryptooctopus are getting hundreds of dollars off their posts with only a 100 or 200 upvotes, while if i got that many upvot3es I would only get $00.00 or maybe 1 or 2 cents...What do i have to do to earn steem like I used to? This is getting reall frustrating!


I just posted a picture and have over 200 votes and it only earned $16 :(

u mean 16 cents? bro how u mad about ONLy getting 16 dollars?!?! was that a joke? LOl or a typo!?! haha i REJOICE when my posts get sixtxeen dolars! thats fucking amazing! but the 20 upvotes dont count towards the money!

each upviite counts different! some upvotes are woeth less than a enny! some are woeth a few penis some worth a dollar or tendollars! the more steempower someone has the more their vote counts!

Things have definitely been a little wonky, some users have new functions on their wallet pages I have seen.

Same here. I am not going to waste time putting up anything interesting if it is worthless. I've noticed this for the past week now.

Thank you EVERYONE for your comments!

i apreciate it and apologize for my entitlement I am just so addicted to the internet and I am like a total steemit junkie now! steem junkies gotta get their fix! I am about to start mega posting whole wikipedia pages with pictures and ima try toi find a way to autogenerate tons of articles by mixing images with text at the right ratio,m every 4 or 5 lines to 9-10 lines max u need a photo and it must be relevant tow hat ur taliking about...if u could create a program to auto post all the most visited wikipedia articles or most visited articles into steemit format, or even if u could just start posting popular blogs onto steemit......i can forsee some algorythms ruling over steemit with bot armies

@franzia @markush @freebornangel everyone else if ur in san diego u can have some free cactus or cannabis cuttings

"@franzia @markush @freebornangel everyone else if ur in san diego u can have some free cactus or cannabis cuttings "

Nice, Deal!


Having same problem and I'm new ish or am I missing some thing

I think the reward pool is only up to 25% of normal.
Or maybe the whale's sock puppets are sucking it all up, idk.

It will take some time for data to come before we can know for sure.

i saw the wallet thing to but i dont have it i havent been making shit this suck how long will it be like this for

If EVERYONE has been barely getting paid, and if I am wrong about everyone getting paid like normal again, letr me know,

For what I see/saw a lot of people getting nothing for there posts. One is me:D You are def not the only one.

im finally getting normal payouts!!!