#SHUTDOWN: Political Grandstanding...At Your Expense.
This shutdown is a giant - GIANT - waste of money for us.

It's political grandstanding at your expense. For DACA...for CHIP...it doesn't matter. Not one bit. It doesn't even matter which party is "at fault" - it's just solid proof that no one gives two shits about not wasting your money.
Want proof?
I have a friend that works for the government. He's currently on an official trip overseas. He inspects health and safety protocol at foreign food processing facilities to make sure they are not shitholes and overridden with diseased rats.
He's about halfway through his trip...and has now been ordered to return home.
"Within 24 hours."
Here's the thing: The government is freely and willingly forfeiting money already spent on prepaid hotels and prepaid flights.
He won't be paid until after the shutdown ends. Of course, they always end up doling out backpay to all the employees they furloughed at the end of the shutdown...
So they go home...relax...kick back for a few days while the storm clouds move out. And get paid for it.
We all pay...for nothing. We all give up money already spent...for nothing.
This retardation will be our downfall.
EDIT: Don't worry. Congress is still getting paid.
Don't worry. Congress is still getting paid
Thank GAWD!
I was SO concerned for their welfare.
I was EXTREMELY worried they wouldn't be able to afford to pay the mortgages on their multiple homes. But they deserve to get paid because they're working supa hard negotiating.
Meanwhile, Joe Q has to sit on his thumb and wait to get paid.
Shut Down started in US? OMG. Trump unable to manage Democrates :( @trending
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation with the Dems.
He made his position on DACA clear...months ago.
Congress hasn't been able to do jack with it.
So now they want him to reverse his stance to get the funding he needs to run the government.
So they can hold it over his head...
Good post @trending
Like help me please