Privet shrubs and trees from the olive family

in #shrubslast month

Privet stands out as a tough and easy-to-grow shrub. It is often used in landscaping private gardens. Beginner gardeners will find it helpful to learn about this plant. Understanding its types, popular varieties, growing needs, and how to care for and grow it is key.

The Privet genus, or Ligustrum, belongs to the olive family. These shrubs and trees grow wild in Europe and Asia. They can also be found in Australia and North Africa.

Privet plants vary in height from 1.5 to 6 meters, based on the kind. Shorter types stay around 0.8-1.2 meters tall. The plants have strong, upright stems. These stems are covered in gray-green or brown bark. Privet looks like lilac, which is in the same plant family.


Privet leaves are simple and rounded. They have pointed or blunt tips. The top of each leaf is shiny, smooth, and a dark green color. The bottom of the leaves is a lighter green.

Privet plants start to bloom in early summer. The blooming lasts about 1.5-2 months. The flower clusters are large and full, from 5-20 centimeters long. The small flowers are white with four petals. They have a noticeable smell. The flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other bugs that help with pollination.

The plant produces fruit in late summer. The fruits are round, inedible berries. They are black or dark blue, and ripen in September. Privet is known for being easy to grow. It can handle shade, dry conditions, and cold weather.