Aralia cordata: a tall shrub

in #shrub3 days ago

Aralia cordata is a tall shrub. It can grow to about 4 feet. This plant has a simple trunk. The trunk usually has no branches. It is almost bare from the start.


The leaves are large. They can be about 8 inches long and 5 inches wide. The leaves have a complex shape. The blades look like oblong ovals. Their base is rounded or heart-shaped. The leaves get more pointed near the top. They are dark green on top. The bottom side is lighter. The leaf stems are long. This makes the plant look nicer.

The root system is thick. It is a fleshy root. It has an aromatic smell.


The flowers grow in clusters at the end of stems. These clusters are about 18 to 22 inches long. The flowers are small. The fruits are also small. They are black and round. They are about 3 to 4 mm across.

This plant grows in Sakhalin. It also grows in the Kuril Islands and Japan. It can be found in eastern China, Korea, and Taiwan too.

Aralia blooms from July to September. The plant has showy flower clusters. These clusters have tiny flowers. The fruits start to grow in September.


Aralia needs certain conditions to grow well. It likes partly shady places. The soil should be fertile. It needs to drain well. It also needs to stay somewhat moist. Be careful when watering. The plant does not like too much water. It should not sit in water.