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RE: If Reality Is A Simulation, Who Is Its Architect?

in #shower-thoughts7 years ago

The reason I don't enjoy this kind of speculations is because they create more questions than those they claim to answer. It is the same as with the God hypothesis.

If there is some extremely intelligent supreme entity that created such an extremely complicated universe then who created the original and extremely complicated entity that created all these? (and so on and so forth).

If a hypothesis raises the same innate premise then it becomes invalid by default. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


Not knowing where the creator came from does not prove there isn't one. We don't need to know where a creator came from to know there is a creation, i.e. I'm wearing pants, but because I don't know who made them does not mean I'm not actually wearing them.

You can't disprove a negative. You don't have any evidence there is a creator thus the hypothesis is discarded. Again. What can be assume without evidence can de discarded without evidence.

that is correct! the fundamental error we commit when trying to explain "life" is that we assume there are choices waiting for us to pick when in truth i say "God-aliens-future selves are nothing but 1 inseparable entity just like the past-present-future are: Time deconstructed into 3 parts for conventional reasons. We forget the oneness of things, we deconstruct instead of constructing, we think instead of meditating, we float instead of immersing, we exist instead of living. This article would have been deemed valuable instead took the opposite direction in terms of the approach but nonetheless, respectful.

Yes, I agree that such a theory, even if proved somehow, would raise even more questions, but would it not take us one step closer to the answer though? Like for example we find proof that reality is indeed a simulation created by some super intelligent race of aliens, would that not be an answer to our origin? It would raise even more questions but I think that is how science has progressed and will progress. But I do see your point :)

The answer is close than you think. All the evidence we have as of now is that everything, always existed and that we just found ourselves in a given cycle with some given parameters. Everything looks designed for us because we are the outcome of such an environment. In the same respect if a paddle woke up today it would say "What a wonderful hole I am in, its just the right depth to keep me wet, and look at that tree, it is shading me so I won't evaporate. And hey, check that animal that drinks from me. I am needed and important".

Instead of searching for creators assume simply that there are not any and that we are just the outcome of a given environment that doesn't have any purpose. The only reason you seek a creator is because humans seek meaning.

steady state hypothesis?
yup...that's what I'd bet on.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
oh...I LIKE that.