The Lyrical Dance

in #shortstories8 years ago


Photo not mine

The Lyrical Dance
(---- based on the every day school life of the writer but every happening in this story is just the writer's product of imagination. Sorry for the wrong grammar of my story-----)

Our love story started at January 5 in front of the faculty when we’re meant to meet each other as dance partners to participate in such competition for the school foundation.

“My god Em-Dee, can I still handle these activities?” I asked my best friend. Our school is preparing for the yearly foundation week. Before that, we’re grouped into 5 color organizations, Apricot Masters, Rigel Shine, Scarlet Feathers, Dandelion blossoms and Cerulean waves. Mine was Apricot Masters. Unluckily the members we’re not that talented that we needed to double an activity to each one of us. So teachers have no choice but to pick me and assign me to participate in some of the competitions in which they have no representative. So the activities given were impromptu speaking for speech fest and to cosplay one armor suit of Erza Scarlet of Fairytail anime (google it people). Plus I’m one of the students participating in field demonstration. I need to handle the heaviest drum, the quadruple (that makes me cool). I can handle those besides it makes my grades higher than I expected. Actually it’s natural for me to be busy but what really shocked me is when the MAPEH teacher of our organization asked me to do the Lyrical Dance. It’s a new competition actually for the high school level. No one’s participating because they have chosen group dancing and also because….. I’ll tell you later it’s hard to explain. I was supposed to say no to our teacher but she already called my elder brother who is also a MAPEH teacher in the other school located also in our town. My brother said yes and he even said that he will be the dance instructor and it will be free. CRAP!
“Kuya Khyber is such an Idiot. He said yes without even asking me?” I shouted out of nowhere.
“Suniel! Are you all right? You’re talking to yourself again” Em-Dee snapped again
For now I spent the time scribbling some notes for the speech fest. It’s normal for me to be busy. What’s not normal is me, DANCING?! I dance, but I don’t show it to people. Kuya Khyber said I’m a graceful dancer.
“Maam, may I excuse Ms. Suniel Remado?” A student from my org excuses me from the class.
Its okay we’re not really doing anything too. My math teacher is also busy.
“Yes, you’re looking for me?” I know my words are kind of prim. That’s me, a trademark of Suniel.
“Mrs. Zerpe said that you need to report to the faculty room after classes”
The unknown student leaves.
Oh great! First I’m not having a trainer in my Speech fest and now another reporting to a MAPEH teacher.

Em-Dee. She’s so lucky she’s not that active. Well she likes the way she’s at school. I tried to be invisible but I can’t. I can’t deny that my parents are rich. My parents are already divorced. And I’m having great brothers with their great achievements in life. A seaman, engineer a teacher and an incoming broadcaster.
After class…

“Suniel are you walking with us?” Em-Dee asked
“Not now I guess maybe tomorrow. I really need to do some F-stuff for the Fweek. You know what I mean” (F-Foundation)
“Okay see you then best friend.” Then they went out. They’re both future accountants. But I’m a future speaker someday I guess.

I made my way to the locker to put my school stuffs. I’m still brainstorming my notes for the impromptu speaking. I’m tired, very very tired.

Finally I reached the locker zone. I put my bag and got my phone. I usually don’t use phones during classes. I made my way to the faculty room located at 2nd floor. I was busy reading my messages when I accidentally bumped into a lower class student. His I.D. says it and his improperly worn uniform says it all.
“I’m sorry you’re way to petite to be noticed. Don’t use your phone while walking.” Mr. senior-know-it-all says.
“Excuse me, was that a compliment? But thanks for the advice. Wear your uniform properly first.” I buttoned his unbuttoned first button of uniform. “Like this you’re way cooler with that” I said sarcastically and left him.

I started my way to the faculty. Wait, why is senior guy following me? No, maybe he’s just going to a place which has the same way as mine. Besides lower classes classrooms are located near the faculty office in second floor unlike us higher class are located in the block section of students.
This reporting to Mrs. Zerpe, I think is about the lyrical dancing. I need to prepare myself. I stopped in front. I know Mrs. Zerpe will show any minute now. I’m idle enough to look for her inside the faculty. Oh crap, I’m sensing bad about this. Senior guy is also staying in front of the faculty? Don’t tell me he’s ….. No think positive that’s not it.
“Suniel,nice to see you. Don’t you have any training today?” Mrs. Zerpe showed out of nowhere.
“No mam, all English teachers in our org are busy for the quiz bee. So mam is this about lyrical dancing?” I asked as I wipe my sweat on my forehead, meaning I’m tired.
“You read my mind. I’m sorry for the additional activity for you. Sir Khyber said it all.” She looked to her left and….
“Vrenan!” shouts mam Zerpe. Good heavens my instincts were right! So senior guy’s name is Vrenan. Senior guy walks to us, I mean, Vrenan
“Mam? I talked to my mom already and she said yes. No problem at all.”
How envying. Her mom is way too supportive unlike my mom. She’s busy babysitting her new child I guess.
“Vrenan, I want you to meet Ms. Suniel Remado, Suniel this is Vrenan Alcarez. You’re dance partners” Mrs. Zerpe said
“YOU!” we said with the same intonation of voice and of course shock.
“So ms.Petite is my partner?” he said sarcastically as we shake hands.
Mrs. Zerpe told us everything we need to know about lyrical dancing. Now I’ll tell you why no one wants to participate in the said dance. It’s a combination of ballet and modern dancing. It will make Vrenan touch my private parts accidentally.
My schedule was crammed, which means no time for unwinding. Every free time of my day will be I training for impromptu and after class will be my practice for lyrical dancing. Kuya Khyber goes to school at 5:30 pm. And we end our practice at 7:30 pm.
Vrenan is a nice guy actually. He’s intelligent also but due to what class he’s from, he ended up being lazy in class influenced by his classmates. He calls me petite because of my height he’s 5 inches taller than me. He asks permission first if he can hold this and that parts during practice. Sometimes he accidentally touches my front but apologizes always. I admit I kind of hate him, impressions of course from lower classes on our first encounter. But I observed that he really is a gentleman.
My classes today ended up at 4:30pm. Vrenan’s class is still on-going because he still has 5:30 classes, I texted him to meet me on JLA 309. It’s vacant and the lights are still on so I made it to be our room to practice. I plugged my earphones and started writing notes while waiting for him.
While listening to music, something interrupted the song. It means incoming text message.
“Hey baby, Kuya is not available today I have a faculty meeting. Let’s meet at the house with Vrenan.”
I plugged off my earphone.
“Good Heavens?! What are you doing here?” Vrenan showed out of nowhere and he really did shock me.
“Sorry Petite. So sir is not available today. He texted me already that we’re taking practice at your house and he’s taking me home. So should we go?’ he asked.
“Wait I need to get my things on my locker” I said as I stand up and picked my pad paper were I write my impromptu notes.
“Let me bring them for you.” And so I did give my things to him.
He got my pad paper and he walked with me on my locker to get my bag. He’s a gentleman, an attitude you won’t expect from a lower class. His face looks always like he’s happy even when he’s serious. I can tell right now that he’s feeling the silence of the corridor.
I got my bag and we walked outside the campus. We waited in the front gate for our van.
“Aren’t we supposed to travel in a trike or ride in a jeep? Why are we standing here?” he asked curiously. I stared at him and I noticed his eyes were honey brown. “Hey why are you staring at me like that?” he snapped at me.
“Ahmmn…. Nothing. We’re waiting for our black van.
And it came right after I said it.
“Don’t tell me that black super-grandia is yours?” he’s surprised.
“Nope. It belongs to my dad. Let’s hop in Vrenan.”
Manong erik opened the door for us. I always sit behind the driver’s seat. Shotgun seat is kuya Khyber’s throne.
“Isn’t this a little too spacious for you and sir Khyber? I mean you’re the only ones riding the van I guess.”
“Yeah too big for us. We used to use this for our family van before my parents divorced.” I think he’s satisfied with my answer.
“Sorry for asking I didn’t mean to know. You know this is our first ever conversation.” He’s right this is the first.
“Yeah I also noticed that. You have nice honey brown eyes. You know that? I like the way you are gentle.” I faced in front. Saying nice and comforting words doesn’t suit my ego.
“Thanks. I get that compliment a lot. I always see you playing the four set drums. It makes you cool. You know Petite, you need to change those expression of your eyes. It makes you like a tigress” oh yeah mr. Know-it-all is talking, I admit he’s right. No boy can stay with this attitude of mine.
“Am I not? “ I asked right after he said that comment for me. I raised the intonation to show my primness but I think it won’t work on him he even managed to answer such comforting words.
“No, you’re not. Actually I like the way you speak. Don’t take this as a….. It’s just I’m stating what I observes from you. The way you are.” After saying that I looked away from him. I’m the kind of person who easily blushes when I hear comforting words for me.
“Thanks” when my redness is gone I faced him. I noticed that his uniform is not buttoned properly again. “Wear it properly, you look cooler with that.” I touched his face and looked out of the window.
I caught him blushing that’s why I faced away at him. I blushed when he said he like the way I am. I seldom hear words like that. I know my classmates can get along with me but it’s not like the personality a person should stay forever. I’m a Prim woman. I inherit it from my grandfather and so is my Kuya Krystoff too. My personality is not that catches a boy. I have past relationships but they don’t stay for too long. Having this ego means a high pride. And I can’t lay low on that and that results to unperfected relationship.
While in the van, Vrenan played a song from his Samsung galaxy Y, White Horse by taylor swift. How rare meeting a guy who’s listening to songs of Taylor Swift. I hate him. That song is exactly my love story. It reminded me of my ex-boyfriend Carlyle. I thought of having the best relationship with him but I’m not. He’s studying from other school that’s why I seldom see him. He already had someone to be with and he can’t resist the primness of me that pushed him away to look for others. He tried to apologize but I didn’t give him any chance to do it.
“I’m not a princess…….” And the song goes on. some warm liquid flows slowly on my cheeks. Silence fills the air that made the music sound loud. I don’t want Vrenan to notice me. I’m reaching my handkerchief on my pocket, Oh Crap . I left it on the classroom. I can’t hold it in, so I used my hands to wipe my tears. I snorted.
“Are you crying?” Vrenan noticed it already. Crap!
“HOW STUPID OF YOU! That song reminds me of my ex boyfriend whom I broke up recently. You wanna know why? He already had someone in his life. I hate you!” I burst into tears because I can’t hold it anymore.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know.” He turned off the music and reached for his handkerchief. Surprisingly it was mine. The one I left at the classroom. “This is mine, why do you have it?” I asked while wiping my tears.
“I ahhh….. took it when you left it in the classroom. I was going to make it as a souvenir from you.”
I laughed knowing it from him. A souvenir from me?! I burst out laughing.
“What’s funny about it?” finally he asked
“Why do you want a souvenir from me?”
“You’re my first partner in dancing. I usually dance but it’s always group dancing not like this.”
“You’re interesting. I like the way you made me laugh a while ago.”
We reached our home. No one’s home except our 3 maids. Vrenan was amazed seeing our house. We walked in. I changed my uniform into practice outfit and I let him change in Kuya Khyber’s room. I told him to proceed to our kitchen for some snacks.
I didn’t know a student like him from a lower class existed. Higher classes have an invisible wall from lower classes. Some have friends. I don’t have any friends from lower classes. Most students from the lower classes are kind of loud and vulgar or worse. They are often described as regular visitors of the guidance office, prefect and the worst, the principal’s office.
I prepared the snacks for us.
“Hey Petite!”
“Good heavens.” I was in fright seeing him right in front me when I turned to see where the voice is coming from. “Will you stop doing that?”
He giggles. I put a plate of graham cake on the prep. Table. We always have snack on our ref because of my kuya Khyber who loves to pig out.
“I’m sorry. You have a great house. Our house is way smaller than this. It’s about the size of your first floor.” He said while sitting in the prep table.
“It is still big if it is the size of our first floor. This house is product of a chef, beautician, seaman engineer and a teacher.”
“Great house for great people.”
We talked about ourselves. He’s from a catholic school way back in Manila. He transferred at our school because they needed to move at our place because of his dad’s work. He also said that he was assigned to lower classes because he enrolled late.
We finished eating and kuya is still not home. I told him not to waste time so we did our homework inside my room. He insisted of not doing it there because I’m a girl and he’s boy. A sign respect from him. I said that I’ll leave the door open so it won’t seem that we’re doing something illegal. And so we did our assignment. I got some cookies and offered him after our homework.
“You love to eat don’t you?” he asked he noticed my pack of cookies stocked on my study table.”
“Yeah, my dad’s a chef. My mom loves to bake. They used to cook for me back then when I was just 8 years old.
“Were they’d go?”
“They’re with their new families now in Abroad we’re living on our own. They said we’re big enough to be living with them. You’re lucky; you’re not involved in a broken family.” My tears rushed again. I know I’m a prim person but tears are kind of easy for me to flow. I got my handkerchief and wipe them.
“Sorry for asking that. I didn’t mean to know.” He said
“Here.” I handed him my handkerchief
“You’re giving it to me?”
“Yeah, you can wash it anyway. I have lots of it in my wardrobe”
“No the tears make it special. It’s been five days since we’ve known each other and this is the first longest conversation we had. We used to talk but only when I can ask if I can hold your hips when I need to lift you. I don’t even know if we’re friends? ”
What kind of guy is this? Did he really exist from a lower class?
“Of course we are”
And that is the start of our friendship. At school if you’re from a lower class and you have a friend from a higher class, you’ll be famous. You’re sort of a genius or kind of great for meeting a girl from a higher class. He’s the first guy I met from a lower class.
The second week of our practice and trainings were like hell. We finished the concept and the steps for just 2 weeks. We’re dancing to the tune of ‘At the Beginning’ (youtube it people).
Ever since we became friends, I had a boyfriend, literally. It’s not like the romance thing but a friend who is boy. He picks me up from my class room and helps me bring my stuff. We became closer than closer. I like the friendship we’re having. Since we are being excused to our classes, we take our recesses together and even study together if we even have time for it. There are times that Kuya Khyber is not available for practice, so we practice all by ourselves and he takes me home with their car. He’s already a teenager but his mom still picks him up.
Recess time. Finally we had our first rest. Vrenan and I decided to take our recess with our cliques. He agreed so he took that time to be with his friends. Vrenan, often referred as the heartthrob transfer guy. I got the information from my talkative seatmate. She said Vrenan and some of his friends are famous because of the looks. I don’t see anything wrong with that. And she also said that he is famous because he is a great dancer that made him even cuter and of course smart. Everything my seatmate said is true.
Here comes my best friends with their boyfriends and I am alone again. I want to tell them anything about Vrenan. That I have a very nice friend.
“Hey there. It’s been a while since we had our talk.” Jayzer said, Emdee’s boyfriend for the past 2 years.
“You seem to be having fun with that guy. Your boyfriend already?” Emdee followed a question.
“No he’s not, just a friend, a good friend.” I answered.
“You seem to be getting along with him. Is he getting along too?” Arr- ei said her boyfriend remains silent as they both eat their snacks.
I just noticed that I forgot to buy my favorite drink, dutchmill, and I ended having cookies only.
“Yeah. Always. He’s a great dancer.”
Suddenly a guy placed a strawberry flavored dutchmill on our table. It’s Vrenan. He just smiled and walked away with his friends. Note is sticked on that drink.
“You forgot to buy it. Sir said you need yoghurt for proper digestion. I won’t let you forget it.”
I get the note and put it in my pocket. After that I holed the straw on It to sip it. When I put it down to the table, my friends are throwing devilish looks and grins on me.
“What?” I asked wondering
“Not your boyfriend huh? It seems to be wrong for us” Neon said .
They spent the whole recess teasing about me and Vrenan. Isn’t it hard for them to understand that we’re just good friends?
Kuya Khyber is not available for practice. It’s okay we’re done with the dance steps. I texted Vrenan. That means we’re not seeing each other this afternoon. It’s already dismissal and I’m packing my books to my bag. I applied powder to my face because it’s oily and put my cherry flavored lip balm to my lips.
“Oh Suniel…. Dancer boy is here.” Emdee sang.
I told him that we don’t have practice this afternoon. What brings him here?
“Hey didn’t I texted you that Kuya’s not available?”
“I received it. It’s just I’m used to be walking here first before going home.”
I heard my classmates singing some love songs, they’re teasing me.
“I finally found someone who knocks me off my feet……” sang Raian our class president. He’s used to be wandering always with his jokes on us.
Vrenan can’t control his smile.
“Don’t mind them. So? What now?” before he can answer, I think something is wrong on my back. I faced my classmates.
“Suniel we need to go.” Said my best friends. And the class cleaners didn’t erased the writings on the board and that makes me do the board duty. They went off and left me with Vrenan on the room.
“So any plans this afternoon?” I faced him and his face was right in front of me.
I pushed him away.
“don’t do that you’re freaking me out.”
I let him inside our classroom. I started doing the board duty. He sat on the chair next to mine. He insisted on doing it but I refused. After that I continued arranging my bag. I put my phone on it and zipped it.
I sat next to him. He got his phone and I saw a picture of his sister .
“I hope you don’t mind if we take pictures together?” he said.
How surprising a guy who wants to take my picture?
“Yeah, sure, I want my phone to have a picture of us together. We’re friends right?” I said as I grab my phone on my pocket.
We took pictures and I put my phone back to my pocket. I zipped my bag. I don’t know what’s going on with me but I like the way we’re together. He has this honey brown eyes, reddish brown hair, reddish lips and a height 5 inches taller than me. I sat beside him as he plays with his phone and I stared at him, examining his physical features. I’m starting to like the way I’m staring at him. To think that we’re the only ones inside our classroom but we’re not doing anything illegal.
“What?” he widened his eyes and looked at me
“Nothing,” I’m in shock “We should go. We’re the only ones here” I replied as I pick my bag and I was about to stand up when he pulled back to my seat! My heart was beating fast. He look me in the eyes. My hands are getting cold because of nervousness.
“I like you Suniel”
What did he say? He likes me? But why? And this is the first time he called me on my name. He usually calls me Petite.
“I’m sorry what was that?” I asked him, pretending I didn’t hear anything of what he said.
“I like you I said”
I don’t know why but tears started to flow on my cheeks. There’s something about what he said that touched my heart, An overwhelming feeling. He just likes me but there is something that made me burst into tears.
“Hey did I say anything wrong? I’m serious I like you”
Why does he like me?
“You like me? Don’t you see me? I’m a total nerd! With very irritating voice, prim, I shout at people. I even hurt people. You won’t like a person like me to get involved with your life.”
I shouted him and I wiped my tears. He is so sarcastic; he can still smile after what I said. That smile, it makes my day happy. I’m glad seeing him today. It’s like he completed my day. I like him too but I’m not expecting this guy to like me back. So that’s why he’s being nice to me. He picks me up before going to practice, he cheers me up and he managed to talk to me in a calm voice when I’m mad just like now.
“It may be impossible for me to like you but I did. Don’t cry” he wipes me with his handkerchief “ Remember the time I stole one of your handkerchief? I won’t stole it without a good reason”
I stopped crying.
“I’m sorry for shouting at you like that. What do you want to happen next?” I asked him
“I thought of asking this after the dance, I guess it can’t wait. I want to know you more and I want to remind you that frankly, I’m making a way to make you as my girlfriend. Is it okay?”
Here goes the unexpected question from an unexpected person.
“Can I court you?” he added
“Yeah sure. Thanks for that. don’t take me for granted.”
He stood up and grab my bag. we made our way out of the room. Silence fills the air. It feels so awkward walking with him now.
F.Week. My first day is my cosplay day. Today I’m starring the stage as Fairy Queen Titania(google it). Before entering the stage, Vrenan’s friend came backstage and handed me a single rose with a note tag.
“You can do it Petite Titania” written on the note
He really knows how to annoy me but at the same time smile.
Mr. Chlyde, the organizer of the cosplay, calls me as the last cosplayer to ramp.
It’s my cue. I imagined the gymnasium like there’s no audience. I ended up seeing Vrenan cam cording me as I ramp the stage. Kuya Khyber is not there because he’s in charge of assisting me. Wait…. Vrenan’s with my Kuya Knupp? And mom and dad and ….. my god, my family is complete. What are they doing here? I turned around and walked to my spot as Lust of “Full Metal Alchemist” ramps. I kept a smile on my face. Then we exit the stage.
My family surprised me backstage. They’re all with Vrenan. I’m not expecting them to be here my parents are in Cali and I can’t imagine how they take some time to watch me here.
“What are you doing here guys?” I asked my Kuya Knupp. I get along with him because we have the save primness inside.
“Thanks to your suitor.” He pointed Vrenan to me. He waved at me.
We had a small chat while Kuya Khyber is assisting me dress up a new armor for the galleries assigned to me.
After a while my family left. That was expected besides they’re all busy especially my parents. Vrenan helped me with my things as I he walked me to my gallery.
Tomorrow’s my speech fest battle. My duty in the gallery is done. I’m about to make my way to our dressing room when Vrenan Came out of nowhere.
“Hey Petite. I brought your stuff.”
Vrenan’s a life saver. He brought my stuff. Thanks to my Kuya Khyber for preparing them for me. Vrenan bought me my favorite soda to refresh me up.
“Are you my Butler? You’re always there when I need you.” I asked him as I take a sip of my soda.
“That’s what boys do to their woman right?” he said as he holds my chin and smiled. I like his smile. I looked away.
“Petite, you always looks away when I say good things about you. Don’t you like what I said?”
“That’s not it” I faced him and my face is all red.
“You’re all red…. Yiiiieh …. She likes me” then he started singing sarcastically “ Suniel Petite likes me…” over and over.
“Will you stop? You should know that?” Primness is starting to spread over my guts.
“Don’t be mad.” He faced me and he holds my hand and smiled again. I hate this, I can’t resist smiling when I see him like this. “Hey, I forgot to tell you that, you look lovelier today.”
“Thanks. I can’t imagine how you managed my family.”
I dressed up and fit in my outfit. I’m not interested seeing all the gallery. After dressing up, Vrenan took me out the school. He said we have to celebrate for the success of me starring the stage.
Being with Vrenan completes my day. He’s so nice to me. We’re now closer than before. That feeling of falling in love and be loved. Wait… I’m falling for him.
My second day is my speech fest battle. Another big day of me. My battle for impromptu speaking. Unluckily no one’s available to watch me battle. They all went to see the princesses of elementary level. I’m nervous. Surprisingly, Jayzer is here but why?
“Hey, sorry we can’t watch you now, your girls are felling more nervous than you. Emdee told Vrenan you could use some cold Candy. Here.” He handed me a small paper bag. “I need to go.” Then he left.
I opened that small paper bag and inside it, are my favorite “Fres” candies. Written on its back is “You Can Do It”. the bag has a small note.
“Hey, I can’t watch you right now. Sister Duty. Break a leg Petite. –Vrenan”
Thanks to them. I have no trainer here nor a supporter. I can do this, I believe in myself.
Finally my cue. I walked up in front, chin up and started to speak. I don’t even know what I’m saying. Judges were like killing me with their sight. And I go on as I say my sppech.
Results will be announced tomorrow. I left the speech room. It feels so exhausted knowing no one trained you to speak in front. It kind of makes sense besides I’m a speaker since elementary. I walked to the comfort room in the high school building to change my outfit.
It’s so tiring. It is so stupid that I can’t remember anything I said, no trainers, no support and no idea what’s gonna happen. I started walking out and a little girl at the age of 4 (Iguess) bumped to me.
“I’m sorry, I want to see princesses.” She said.
“Hey Sasha! I told you to wait for me. Don’t run” a voice from my back….”I’m sorry miss, sister duty”
How surprising Vrenan doesn’t recognize me. Well, that’s not a big deal at all.
“Sister duty, I see.” I answered
Finally he recognized who I am.
“How’s speech fest? Did you win? I’m sorry for my sister.”
This guy is so talkative, TURN ON.
“results will be posted tomorrow. I need to rest myself. Seize the day with your sister.”
Then I left. I’m starting to fall in love and I’m not expecting it to be this fast.
The song ‘At the Beginning” is about lovers fighting the obstacles that are ruining their love life. That life is a wonderful journey to be filled with crap. That these lovers will be forever on their sides no matter what happens. Our steps are romantic and that makes us peculiar from other orgs. Unlike the others they used characters we’re the only ones with two dancers. Our dance will show how happy the relationship is. Vrenan’s mom is the one in charge of the costumes. She chose a white cocktail dress that looks like a wedding cocktail dress, that will make me look like a bride and Vrenan’s like a groom. Kuya Khyber said our concept is about marriage and it will make a big impact on the judges due to peculiarity. And the best part, he said, it will be much convincing and effective if we kiss on the last 5 seconds of the song. DUH! Vrenan’s not my boyfriend so why should I kiss him? Vrenan said it’s my decision if I want to.
I took a nap to rest myself. My body needs to relive the pain from the liftings and I need relax and release the nervousness. Call time’s 11:30 am, battle starts at 1 pm. We still need to rehearse with our costumes worn and be on each other’s side.
I woke up at 4:30 pm. Kuya Kyber is home already. I saw him eating in front of the television. I walked to share what he is eating.
“Hey Baby, hungry?” he asked me as he hands me plate of steak and mushrooms.
“Yeah, thanks. Tomorrow’s my big day I really need to prepare. Vrenan’s prepared already.” I responsed as I chew the chunk of beef steak.
“You like him? He’s nice guy. He even managed to do the steps without touching you private parts.”
“Now you’re talking about him. I know he’s nice but remember I just broke up with Carlyle and getting involved with another guy is not a good thing to do right now. I need to respect him.”
“Do you really need to respect that ex boyfriend of yours? Oh come on, he didn’t even managed to respect you. Seriously, I like Vrenan to be your new. I know he’s from a lower class at your school but this boy knows what the respect word means. I notice the both of you getting along together. And I see you are really smiling when you are with him.”
“I still don’t get this feeling. I don’t know if ‘m falling in love or I just like his company. You know like boy buddies.”
Seriously, I can’t imagine myself talking my love lofe to my elder brother.
“Remember the last step?” Kuya is referring to the….
“The kiss thing? Oh no Big bro I’m not doing that in front of a lot of people. He’s going to be my first kiss and what if I’m also his first I’m ruining it. And one more thing, I’m not his girl friend.
You know what, I don’t get my brother sometimes. Some older brothers push their younger sisters away from being kissed but my kuya is pushing me forward to be kissed.
“You think you’re ruining it?” Kuya Khyber said and he turned off the TV. “What if it’s the best kiss he’ll have? You’ll feel electrified when you do that trust me. Not electrified literally, you know what I’m saying. Suniel, It’s 5 seconds before the music ends. “
A kiss? How awkward kissing him. I don’t think he’s gonna love to be kissed by me. Stupid idea from my stupid brother.
“Suniel Wake up. Today’s your battle.”
Kuya Khyber said as he slides my curtains and opens the windows of my room. Best things I like about my Kuya, is that he does feminine chores and he hates late person. He’s the one who washes my clothes even the undies, I help him do that of course. Like right now he’s preparing my things for my battle. My make up kit, which he bought last summer with the help of his girlfriend, who’s a History teacher, my clothes that I will wear after the dance, my shoes and everything.
I got my robe and went directly to the bathroom. It’s better to be at school as early as I can be and besides it’s my classmates cue on the quiz bee battle. There are some programs that I can watch while waiting for Vrenan. Vrenan’s that first who became this close to me. Unlike Neon and Jayzer, they’re my friends but my best friends are their girl friends and that makes me have my boundaries. It’s like having your very own best friend but we both know that we are much more than that. I’m so excited seeing him today but there’s this melancholic feeling that bothers me.
Kuya Khyber sent me to school at 6:30, because he’s a teacher and there’s no space for the word LATE in his vocabulary. He said he’ll watch me but he can’t make it to assist me. Vrenan’s Mom will be there to assist the both of us. I started making my way to the Apricot Masters room, my org. I want to check my team mates specially the group dancers.
Lower classes are everywhere. What’s wrong with these people? They’re gossiping about me. Maybe because rumors are already spreading about our lyrical dance.
“Cocktail dress for lyrical dancing? Duh how can they even dance with such dress?” said the girl in red in the corridor as I pass by. They kept on gossiping but I didn’t pay much attention to it.
The chief head of English department is posting the results of Speech fest and cosplayers rankings. Being in senior year is the most tiring stage of highschool life. It’s my first time participating in 3 activities. Results? Actually I ranked first, second is rigel shine and third is cerulean waves. Once again I reigned the crown of being the speaker queen.
I reached the Apricot Masters’ room. Vrenan, his parents and cousin are already there. I think she will be our hair and makeup artist. Her mom volunteered for it because I contributed for the dance instructor. How envying that his mom is very supportive of him. I wish I have a mother like his. I’m all by myself today.
“Petite, congratulations, speaker queen.” He shakes my hand.
“Thanks. I want you to meet my cousin, Ybelle. She’ll do your hair and makeup. Sir Khyber said you need someone for it and that’s the only thing he can’t help you. “
He’s right maybe he’ll send his girlfriend here. That’s the least he can do but his girlfriend is busy in teaching.
Mam Zerpe showed to signal us to dress up. It’s already 12 p.m. and cultural contest will start in an hour. Vrenan picked his paper bag.
“Hey Sissy, don’t you dare making my girl awful.” He said to ate YBelle and then he left.
Ate Ybelle stood up and picked my dress. I picked my stuff.
“Hey, is your real name Petite?” she asked, maybe she’s wondering why Vrenan calls me that.
“Nope, it’s Suniel Remado actually.” I answered.
We made our way to the dressing room of the dancers. Opened the vacant room for me to dress.
“So how long are the both of you together? It’s the first time Vrenan used his girlfriend’s picture as a wallpaper on his phone.” Ate Ybelle said
“Huh? I’m not his girlfriend, we’re just getting to know each other stage I guess. Well your cousin’s a nice guy.”
I put my dress and ate YBelle said that I should wear my robe so my costume will surprise the crowd which is not really gonna surprise the audience because some talkative stupid person already spread that thing about our costumes.
Ate started fixing my makeup and dress. She just put simple makeup on me and curled the ends of my hair. Actually my eyes are getting used to my contact lenses. Kuya Khyber bought them for me when we started practicing the dance. It will be just for the three weeks and I’ll be back to my same old self again with my glasses. Vrenan can’t resist the lure of seeing me so he stood up and watched ate YBelle fix my makeup.
“Here, see it yourself.” Ate handed me a mirror.
Wow, I look so beautiful. (In my opinion)
“Wow, you look lovelier.” Vrenan commented.
“I told you I won’t disappoint you.” Ate YBell said to Vrenan.
After a while of his mom and dad taking pictures of us, mam Zerpe showed up. He handed us our numbers and we’ll be the last contestants. Oh great this means we really need to do our best. “Save the best for last.” Then Mr. Cortez, the organizer said that we need to proceed to the contestant’s isolation room. Vrenan and I forgot to rehearse with our costumes. There’s no time so just followed the organizer. He brought us to the room were lyrical dancers are. We’re the only ones missing. This room is full of weirdoes. There are people wearing a devil, angel, parent, maid and a fairy. Well at least I’m a bride. The room is soundproof and I’m still wondering why we needed to be isolated. Then the door opens and calling the first contestant. The cycle goes on until we’re the only ones in the room.
“Can I hold your hand?” Vrenan asked.
“Yeah sure, but it’s cold because I’m nervous.” I replied.
He holds it.
“Contestants, your turn.” Said the guy in the headphones.
We got off the room then ate YBell came rushing to us. She place a veil on my hair.
“That completes the package. Break a leg.” Then she left.
I can hear the loud cheering of the crowd from the backstage. Vrenan made his way on the other side of the entrance of the stage. We’re going on separate ways.
“We were strangers…… starting out on a journey.”
And the music starts and we enter the stage and meet on the center and do our choreo. Vrenan didn’t take his sight from my eyes. It’s like we’re the only ones on that place and I can feel what we’re doing. As he lifts me I can hear the beating of my heart. I can see seriousness in his eyes and this feeling? I never felt it before. He crowed screamed when we looked like we’re about to kiss, but not yet already. I’m still clashing my mind if I’m going to kiss him.
“And life……. Is a road and I wanna keep going love is a river I wanna keep flowing….” The song is about to end.
10 secs….. he spins me in the air.....6….he wraps his arms around my waist and looks me in the eyes just like what we did in practice ….4 eye contact…. And 3….2….1….
WHAT WAS THAT? we….. we….we KISSED. That’s It we kissed. The crowd we’re screaming and squealing. He put me down. We bowed and went back stage. It’s official, I’m in love with this guy.
Kuya Khyber met us there.
“Hey, great job for the both of you. I wasn’t expecting that.” kuya said
Then ate YBelle came rushing again.
“I thought the both of you are not in a relationship, but why did you kissed?” she asked and it feels so awkward talking that in front of Vrenan and my Brother.
“Sir Khyber, this is Ate YBell. She’s the one who did the makeup and hair of Petite.” Vrenan said.
“Uhmmmn miss I think we need to give them a moment of their own. And Suniel, you did a great job, I need to go I still have 2 classes to teach.” Said kuya Khyber
And then the 2 of them left.
We headed to the dressing room to change our clothes.
After changing, Vrenan meet me in the Apricot Masters’ room. He handed me a pineapple juice in can.
“So what’s going to happen next?” he asked
“Sorry for ruining your first kiss. Well can w I take my time?”
“No, you didn’t ruin my first kiss, but of course you can take your time. I’m not forcing you.”
To make everything short, yeah your guess is right we won the competition and to make the story worse, ever since the foundation week ended, we never see each other. That explains the melancholic feeling embracing me before the dance. I hear rumors about these mean girls from lower classes, maybe they’re the ones falling in love with the transfer heartthrob, that he only did that to impress everyone on stage. I’m convinced; everything is just a show off. He did everything to get the flow of the dance. I waited everyday for his text, message on my facebook and there is this feeling of waiting for him to pass y our classroom. And there’s nothing. I didn’t expect things like this from him. Maybe he sees me in the crowd of students’ everyday and he has seen me with these nerdy glasses that made him dislike me. So I guess, I really need to bury the memories of that stupid lyrical dance.
I finished eating my lunch with my 2 pairs of lovers. I said my goodbyes and went to the rooftop with my yoghurt. I missed the place. Students seldom go here because the sun directly heats your skin but I sit behind the tank room for shed. I go here when I want to be alone. I sip my yogurt. I checked my phone I saw the pictures of us together before and after the FWeek. I miss him. I played the song “At the Beginning.”
“I miss you Vrenan. I kissed Vrenan without knowing the truth! You’re a liar” I said out loud.
“What truth?” Vrenan came AGAIN out of nowhere.
I got on my feet and tried to head on the door.
“I thought you’re missing me? But why are you running.”
I grabbed my hand and run away. I heard his footsteps behind me. He’s following me. This is bull shit; running in the hallway is against the rules. I’m busted if the prefect sees us running.
“PETITE! One more step and we’ll both see the prefect’s office.” He shouted and he got the attention of the students. “Hey why are you staring people, move out!” he said and the students keep on what they are doing. Then he walked to me
“What?! I don’t have time for this.” I said starting the conversation,
“Oh really it’s like 45 minutes before the bell and there’s no way teachers has given you heavy activities. It’s just the end of FWeek.” He crossed his arm. He’s like daddy scolding his daughter. “So that’s it after the dance? You’re going to avoid the lower class guy whom you met?”
“You started it and so I did too. And wait a minute, aren’t you the guy who did that just to impress people, to get the flow.”
“What are you talking about? Hey Petite, I did said I like you and the moment I pulled you to sit back in your chair, I LOVED you. So what’s making you to distance yourself from?”
“Distance myself? It’s you who started it. you haven’t texted me or message me or just drop by to say hi. You’re the one who ended.”
“Look I’m sorry, I’m grounded, my grades our low. Curfew’s at 5:45 and that 15 minutes are my travel back home and I don’t have much time to see you. I’m fixing my papers to be transferred to class C. My mom did that so my attention will be on my studies I need it for the school I’m going to on college. What happened to us Suniel? I thought you like me? But now….. it’s like you’re starting to get over with everything.”
“So we’re becoming lovers then you’ll notice how prim I am and you’ll leave me like Carlylle did. I’m sorry Vrenan but it’s time for us to get back to our usual selves again.” I said and I left him standing there.
I love Vrenan but he doesn’t deserve a girl like me. A heartthrob? Falling for a nerd like me. But I’m not a total nerd. Emdee said wearing glasses doesn’t mean I’m a nerd. It’s not it. I’m prim and every boy hates that and that’s the reason why Carlyle broke up with me. I’m scared to another guy came into my life again and left me with the same reason. I’m much better alone. If a guy loves me, then stick of what I am. But does a guy who likes prim girl exist? I don’t think so.
FASTFORWARD. It’s been 5days since me and Vrenan had our talk. Our last talk. It’s time to get home I still need to check my email for my notifications of the forms I passed in the universities I sent to.
Wait, is that Carlyle? What is he doing at our school? And he is walking towards me.
“Hey Suniel. How are you?” is this real, this stupid guy is talking to me
“I’m fine. What brings you here? Are you going to introduce your girlfriend, make me jealous or what? I have no time for that stupidity right now Carlyle.”
“Look I’m not looking for trouble but can’t we find someplace where we can talk? Trust me this is not about US getting back together.” He said
I brought him to my favorite burger restaurant. He said it’s his treat. I don’t know why but I’m not feeling awkward with him right now. He orders 2 cheese burgers and iced tea. He doesn’t drink soft drinks.
“So what’s this about?” I asked while biting my burger.
“I heard you’re a having a mutual relationship with this guy named Vrenan.”
“It ended up already. 5 days ago I think. Why are you asking?”
“Well, I heard you like him. Aren’t you finding any replacement for me?”
“Not yet. Besides no guy’s gonna work out for me Carl, I’m Prim and that’s the reason you left me and be with that curly haired Barbie. And Vrenan will end up doing the same mistake as you did”
“Look Suniel. I know I left you with reason at all. We never had the chance to talk again after we broke up until one guy showed up asked me to do this thing which is I also wanted to do ever since we broke up.”
“Let me finish first.” He took a sip on his iced tea. “I broke up with you because we’re way too far to see each other but not because you’re prim. Actually I like the way you accept yourself as what you are. Don’t let that reason poison your mind that every guy on the planet will end up doing the same mistake as I did. We have our separate worlds and there’s this time when I became your opponent in Speech Fest last time. And I can’t battle with you with that. That’s the reason I broke up with you. I can’t take any more risks of ourselves battling each other of whose best between the 2 of us. You don’t deserve a guy like me. You’re special. Primness maybe is your ego but that doesn’t make all the guys on the planet hate every prim girl on the planet. And I’m sorry for making you have that in mind and for being the traumatic experience of not letting any guy on your life.”
So that’s why. He’s right we can’t stay on battling each other. He became my opponent for 3 consecutive Speech Fests last year and I end up ranking first and he ranked 2nd.
“I’m speechless. I don’t know what to say.”
“That’s the reason we’re talking right now. So I guess I explained everything. And if you’re wondering who asked me to do this. It’s Vrenan he said everything the last time the two of you had a quarrel in the hallway. So friends?”
“Friends. Thanks for making me realize everything and uhh…. I had a great time being your girlfriend for 6 months.”
“you too. So, I need to go because, Vrenan’s already here. It’s time for the both of you talk.”
He stood and leaves. Carlyle is still a nice guy. I just call him stupid because he did badly to me you know what I’m talking. And now it’s time to make things better with Vrenan. He came in.
“Where have you been?” I asked when he sits with me in the restaurant.
“On that car.” He points the car outside the restaurant. “I’ve been watching the 2 of you inside.”
“Oh I see. Thanks for Carlyle. He apologized about the past.”
“So what’s the conclusion?”
“Am I talking to a scientist right now?”
“No to a dancer. It’s been a month since I’m waiting”
“I thought you said I can take my time.”
“Yeah. I’m not rushing you to say yes.”
“Well I already had a lot of time and maybe you can start to walk first to my classroom before going home and text me to ask how I am doing.”
“Does that mean…….. yes?”
“What else do you think does that mean?”
He busted out and he’s like a man won a lottery he’s making an attention inside the restaurant. Vrenan’s worth a yes. I love him.

Maybe all of us had dreadful pasts about our ex-boyfriends but that doesn’t mean the next one will end up doing the same mistake. They say boys are all the same. Here’s a question for you girls, “Have you tried all the boys on the planet?” I guess not. There are millions of them. Don’t get locked up in the traumatic experience you had. It’s not the end. Let go of any bad vibe you had in your life.

-midnyt qwin1105-