Why are girls so complicated?

in #short7 years ago

So here's the deal: I don't understand why girls can't be straight forward. It's like a cat and mouse game to extreme level. Let me tell you my story and what I take from it.

Recently, I've been seeing this girl from class and at first, I'm getting that strong, independent vibe from her. Hell, let's just say even a little stuck up. From the way she dresses, I could see that she's a little liberal on the accoutrements. Nowhere near the usual crap basic teens wear nowaday but I could see a really skinny tank top and short short. Short is not that short though, like pre 2017 short short.

Anyway, so I'm just going to class and being a little on the low income household family, I usually can't afford fancy Yeezy or whatever the new fads these teenagers get these days. All I got is some good reliable walking sneaker which is pretty good for your feet and your regular hoodie, t-shirt, jeans. I'm just about to open the door into 11th grade English and suddenly, the door almost hit me in the face. I move just in the nick of time and I could feel the edge of the door brushing my nose lightly. Mind you, I'm 6'3 (or 1.83m in non-retarded unit) and my reaction is not that good. Obviously, I get pretty pissed, there's a see through glass on the door, if someone opens it, they have to be looking on the other side. And there she is, giggling and smiling with her friends while looking at me. Her friends are giggling too and I'm confused as hell. You almost hit me in the face and now you're not even going to say sorry? Just as I'm about to open my mouth, she approaches me saying "Omg, I'm so sorry, did I hit you?" . I say no and tell her to be careful next time. Her friends keep giggling and I'm thinking "What the hell is wrong with these people?". I sit down on my desk and there's no other incident for the rest of the day.

A few days later, we go out into the field to play some soccer, or as the cultured people call it "football". It's a tournament of some kind where a few classes with different coach will play against each other until the final game. If you lose, you have to play the loser, it doesn't mean you stop. Apparently, she's in the same PE period with me too, just a different coach. We get to play against each other right on our first match. That girl can run, man, she's way more athletic than I am. I'm out of breath running for about 10 minutes, she's still going strong. Good thing is she is not that good at dribbling, her control sucks and I play a lot when I was little. You can see where I'm going with this. So for some reason, they decide that she should guard me. A 5'5, 5'6 (1.67m, 1.7m) girl guarding a 6'3 guy just buzzing around whenever I'm open. I'm dribbling quick, just some basic tricks I learn from friends and she keeps getting left behind. I don't really pay attention to her once I pass her and I manage to score once. She just walks up to me and say "nice goal". I don't reply back since I'm too busy breathing. God, I'm so out of shape right next to a girl, too. Quite embarrassing, don't you think?

We start from the middle again and she's still guarding me, albeit a little more reserved. I should have seen it coming but I did not. I'm open again and she runs toward me, trying to kick the ball away. I move it away from her feet and run faster. The moment I think I have a chance to score again, my head goes to side way and I completely fall over. She just tackles me hard, like a shoulder tackle right on my right ribs. That knocks me off balance and I trip on the grass and slide on to my butt. I hear laughter somewhere behind me, I don't know if it's from my team or her team. She grabs the ball from me and passes it to her teammate without glancing back at me. I'm getting mad but I can't do anything because she's a girl. That will just make me the bad guy to everyone else. I get up and start moving again, damn, my right side is hurting from that shoulder ram.

For some god forsaken reason, someone decides to lob the ball high in a long pass toward her direction. I have to take off running after her. She's so damn fast. She's constantly running ahead of me, good thing I have my height. Just as she's about to chest the ball, I jump over and chest it myself and start running. Everything is a blurry since I run so fast. I don't want to look back and see she's right behind me. Trying to handle the ball before dribbling, I lose sight of her. My mistake and before I know it, bam, another tackle, this time on the left. I'm prepared for it though so I don't fall over like last time. She notices that and starts moving even closer. I'm running on fume now so eventually she's running slightly ahead and decides to step in. I can't tell between the ball and her foot what trips me over but I'm down again. This time I fall forward right on top of her.

I remember thinking to myself that I will hear about this for the rest of the school year. Being taller than her, my body slams right on to her head, I can still feel the imprint of her forehead on my chest. I'm on top of her for about three seconds then someone yells "GET OFF OF HER, DUDE". Oh boy, here it comes. People start looking over and laughing now, both teams are just standing there watching for a minute before a guy comes over to help me get up. I push my arms up as if I'm doing push up and we see each other eyes to eyes for a brief moment. Her face is red, her cheeks a shade of bright red. I'm not sure because all the blood is rushing up there from impact or because she's embarrassed. I haven't really noticed before but she's pretty cute when she's shy. We play until the end of the match and she avoids looking at me the entire time.

I find her interesting at least. I'm not sure if she sees it that way. We can still be friends, right? Maybe if we hang out some more, we'll probably start communicating better. Either way, it's Friday and I can't wait for English class next week. For no particular reason, and I don't really like English class.