A swift change in perception following censorship by YouTube concerning the Parkland Stoneman Douglas shooting.

in #shootinghoax7 years ago

It finally happened and I can’t say I'm surprised. YouTube pulled down a video of mine and struck it with 2 separate community guideline strikes, resulting in my live streaming and uploading abilities being revoked for 2 months. Me along with many other more active , more popular youtubers are getting community guideline strikes and even channels taken down for nothing more than questioning the official story of what happened this past valentines day.
In all fairness, I think something inside of me wanted to get reprimanded by YouTube. Lets be honest, if you are not being censored, you aren't going deep enough. Did you know that there are some things in this world that you are not allowed to talk about? If you ask this question to someone, 90% of the public is sure to give you a lecture about our "free and open" society that encourages all respectful discourse. Those of us who now have to generate burner phone numbers in order to create multiple social media accounts to ensure our message is heard despite daily censorship know better.
What makes me particularly frustrated with these multiple simultaneous strikes to silence my voice is the fact this single live stream hit over 6,000 views in 6 hours and was well on its way to being the most viewed video on my channel by far in record time. Before we continue, I should mention that I own a website called REDPILLCULT.COM where I sell original artwork and athletic apparel. I regularly promote my site on my channel and live streams to generate sales and 6,000 pairs of engaged eyeballs are very valuable to somebody like me. I see these views as something I earned through years of research, social media knowledge and timing. What YouTube did not know was that I had set a trap for them and the fascist assholes fell right in.
When I titled my live stream ( which ran for 4.5 hours simultaneously during the events in Florida real time) I chose my words very carefully as to reveal the nature of YouTube’s tyrannical censorship. During the months following the shooting in Vegas last year I witnessed friends of mine censored by YouTube for suggesting the events weren't as they were portrayed by the media. Even though I think its ridiculous to censor anybody's freedom of speech, a strike regarding a claim made by a video producer seems almost understandable given YouTube is a private company. However a strike for bullying and harassment on a video that makes no claims whatsoever to begin with is perplexing at the very least and infinitely frustrating for those of us who are starting to see cracks in the official narrative. NO ASSERTION WAS MADE. This is the central focal point to my problem. The video was titled: “Another fake school shooting????? Florida shooting . Hoax watch . anything goes in chat”. Please take note of the 5 question marks, most commonly used to signify a question not an assertion. And the phrase “hoax watch” clearly meaning keeping a vigilant eye for holes in the narrative NOT ASSERTING THE HOLES ARE THERE. During the stream I mostly kept silent and let the chat talk while we watched live news coverage of the event. To appeal this strike I asked the YouTube censor to please read the description under the video, I’ve included a copy here…..

-------------------------------------------------Video Description--------------------------------------------
chat will remain on screen as time capsule

Before you comment and tell me to go to hell ( which does not exist btw) plz do your research on crisis actors and the emergency preparation industry.
I am not saying this was 100% fake because I have no hard evidence of this.
This live stream is to gather and exchange hard evidence to prove this was real .
However given the rise or previous fake terror events we as a people are totally justified in our skepticism of any event.
Real or fake , Tomorrow American media will be obsessing over gun control and inflated government intervention in mental health issues.
I can now predict the future. Why. How?
Truth is a path you must walk alone , and if offending someone you don't know scares you away from investigation, you are already a slave .
Remember , news that possibly no children died should be good news to you.

What does it mean for free thought in this country if I can be stripped of a semi-viral video within hours for simply questioning the official narrative of the mainstream media? These are questions that YOU must ask yourself if you truly want to live in a free and open society.
After they struck the video, before my appeal and subsequent removal, I had a brief period where I could review the video. My heart was slowly breaking as I scrambled to screenshot 200 comments before they were gone forever. These comments to me represent the first 4 hours of a real time, crowd sourced investigation. Something me and my post-media friends would like to see a lot more of. As of right now I cant even upload a video (let alone live stream) and speak to my 1,000 subscribers until June. But hey it's no sweat, it was a wake-up call. A paradigm shift. Before, I naively thought YouTube could be used as a vehicle for truth. I was very wrong. Now extra measures need to be made , backup sock accounts and channels need to be created and maintained. This has sadly become standard operating procedure for those of us with unpopular viewpoints. This is also why truth seekers of today need to become post platform and and upload content on as many sites as they can. Fuck YouTube.

Here is the entire comment section before it was deleted for your independent investigations.

