I never rant but this pisses me off! (( Warning shocking images and video!))

in #shockingnews7 years ago

I hardly watch television and I hardly watch the news but, for some reason today I watched the Dutch news on the channel SBS6 and they reported about animal abuse in Belguim.

I am a calm person, I don't get angry often but when I do I flip!
I cried seeing this and the anger inside me turned into a raging inferno!
Before you read further make sure you can handle the images and video that I will share in this post!
Fair warning, I cried. 

My heart stopped beating for at least a few seconds when the first image was shown. I swallowed and felt the pain of those poor animals! Now, I have to first state that I am in no case against eating meat because I eat it myself.  Like many other people I enjoy a good piece of meat on my plate when having dinner. However I am not blind to the things happening in this messed up world. 

IMG CREDIT: Animal rights.

I know that meat is a thing that will always cause a big discussion but at this moment I really don't care. I only feel the anger inside me and tears burning in my eyes. How can you be so cruel? How can someone torture an animal on their way to their end pain these animals who did not ask for anything at all? If you are able to seriously hurt an animal just for the fuck of it you are SICK! 

There is no excuse for what these people do! Like I said, I like my meat and I will be honest, I will not stop eating meat but this is just insane! There are many ways to make the end of an animal less stressful, less painful and most of all more humane. 

IMG CREDIT: Animal rights.

Animal rights is an organisation who made secret video materials in slaughter homes, this time in Belguim.

Is there really a need to pull a pig on his ear while hearing him scream? Is there a need to kick a pig when it's down? Do you really need to hang a cow on one leg while it's still alive to cut his throat? These are just a few of the shocking things I saw and it broke my heart! 

These animals are raised to become meat, to end up on our plates but they are not raised to be handled like they are nothing! I am angry, I want to scream and most of all I want those people to feel what they have done! This needs to stop! Yes, I am fully aware that my post, my voice is just a drop on a burning plate but if this post makes at least two people realize what is going on in the world I can sleep a bit better! 

Animals can't speak up but they are living souls and they deserve better!
I am not saying to stop eating meat but at least handle animals with respect!
To me it looks like those people who did this are serial killers in the making! If you can do this to an animal........ IT MAKES ME SICK! 

To see an pig crawl over the floor towards his end with a badly broken leg, a pic or cow pushed down the trailer.... To see them being poked with shocks...... We are speaking about living souls, breathing and feeling emotions living souls. Even now, while I write this I feel nothing but pain and anger. 

Again, this behavior needs to stop! 

Animal Rights filmed the deaths of cattle in the so called  intoxication box. In this box the animals need to be intoxicated so they become calm. However, this does not happen and the animals can see from the box how their companions are picked up and beaten. This causes the cattle ( cow or pig) to turn  in full panic while attempting to get out of the box.

In spite of the legal obligation that animals MUST be anesthetized during the slaughter progress you can see cattle being beaten and bled in full consciousness! The employees DO NOT take the proper measures to give these animals an additional anesthesia.

I am at least pleased to know that the Belguim minister closed the slaughter house where these images and video were taken! It's a step and people are pushed with their nose on the facts! 

Here is the link to the Dutch organistion Animal rights if you want to have a look.

Please leave your reactio in a reply! The more people see this the more people we can reach and stop these actions! 

My name is @poeticsnake, a creative writer and dreaming poet! 
A wandering soul searching for new paths to walk on!
If you like my poetry, paintings and daily ramblings push the follow button! 
If I made you feel anything with my work, please reply! 
If you fell in love, resteem is the answer! :D 

Have a blessed, warm and loving day! 


This REALLY make me ANGRY - When animals die for Slaughter it should be as humane as possible - There are people around the world that treat animals like crap - these are the same people that need to experience the same treatment as they do to defenseless animals - lets put them in a pond with great white sharks and tell them to go and be mean to those great whites!!

informative post thanks for sharing upvoted!!

Did you read the post? If so... Can you tell me how it made you feel?
Thank you for the upvote!

ohhhhh dear @poeticsnake, what the hell is going on there, very sad, your angerness is right , you expressed the animal rights in impressive words i agree with you and fully supported by following resteeming.

I am glad I have a way to express my feelings in my writings. I normally only share happy things but this.... It broke me.
I am a HUGE animal lover and I think this kind of behavoir needs to be seen all over the globe and not just in my tiny country1

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

I read the post. I admit I had to go past the pictures because I can't bear to see the cruelty.

One of my friends used to work in an abattoir and he said you have to keep the animals calm because the meat can taste odd if not. He'd have got the sack if he'd treated the animals in his care the way those people are treating the animals in your post.

The animals are on death row and their only 'crime' is being born as an animal.

I do eat meat, but I can see me becoming vegetarian in the future.

How did this make me feel?

I feel that some humans are the scum of the earth.

I could say more, but I'd spoil my manners and get all upset.

I understand fully that you have not watched the video and pictures. I know they might hurt many people on here. But I just had to share them.

You are so right! These people have done nothing wrong and their only crime is being born. I wish I could do anything to stop this right away. I am also glad that organisations like animal rights do these things to make it visible. Painful truth but true at least!

I simply cannot bear to watch. I know this goes on and I'm sticking my head in the sand. I have friends who are vegetarian because of the animal cruelty issue.

Yes, this needs to be more visible, but first and foremost, those people need to be removed from their positions of power over animals.

I don't think you are sticking your head in the sand at all. You know it and you have an opinion about it! I eat meat as well. I try to buy good meat as much as posible in the stores.
I agree, those people need to be removed from their positions, That is why I am glad the house is closed down now.

Farm shop meat tastes divine (I'm afraid) and the local farm shop takes good care of their animals.

Supermarket meat is 'diluted' - same as the mass-produced produce. I think it's time we got back to a more simpler time and better animal husbandry.

There was a time, when I used to watch tv programs and it had long lasting positive effect on memories. In nowadays, there is more yellow journalism and show off bit very weak content for almost any program. They spice up things and then sell because we start talking about those spiced up programs. Thanks for sharing @poeticsnake but I like your artistic posts more.

I like my artistic post a load more as well. But every now and then I get.... you know...
I am all for sharing positive things and smiles but this just got me off guard.
I stopped watching tv and the news a long time ago and I have no idea what changed today and made me turn it on....
wish I had not but I did.
This is what is does to me.... sad and anger... I don;t like it one bit!

Where are the so called NGOs working for the right of animals? its making me sick. How brutal & cheap way to treat these innocent animals. Thanks @poeticsnake you raised this point. Following & Resteeming you

What a disgrace, it makes me so angry. I love meat but why do these scumbags feel the need to be sadistic. It's wrong on so many levels.
Well done for highlighting this story.

Simply moronic and disgusting. I grew up on farms. This kind of sadistic behavior is unacceptable. There is no need. In fact the meat suffers in quality because of this. There are much better ways. We eat meat, we can give the animals we eat the respect they deserve. It is possible to give these animals a good, contented life and a peaceful ending. In fact it's far more profitable to do so.

I rant often and loudly when it's justified. Anger is a healthy emotion, and this shit deserves it.