Tired of shit posts?

Introducing !shitpost
What is
? It's a way for users to let authors know they can do better. As we all know, Steem is filled with spam and low quality posts. Find a post that is utter crap? Now you can fling poo like a monkey and let them know.
will deliver a random quality picture of shit. There are no guarantees it will be human shit, so your results may vary.
Right now we have 14
poops available to deliver with more coming.
We need your help
Send us your shit pics, and we will give you credit! Just reply to this post with a high quality picture and we will add it to our list if it meets our standards.
Standards? For poop images?
Yes, we have standards. If you are going to do something, you might as well do it right. So have some chili, drink a lot of milk, and mix in some coke and you should be at peek performance. Lactose intolerant? Even better, now you can shine!
This is a joke right? No one is going to deliver shit images?
No joke, just check out the comment section.
Well, that's enough internet for today...
source: Unicorn Ass
In the spirit of giving back to the community If we submit our own shit is their any profit sharing? lol
Honestly though a comment saying "this shit brought to you via @doomsdaychassis asshole" in a comment is the only way I am ever making it to the front page. :)
I was thinking "This Poo courtesy of @bitfiend" and it just filled my heart with joy. However; @bitfiend's asshole would be much better
That is gold. Have you ever thought about checking out the @comedyopenmic comedy contest? I think you would fit right in. If you have any free time you could check out their discord over at
I love it over there. Really good group of folks that love to have a good time and enjoy a good joke.
I've been supporting @comedyopenmic since day one :P I've been quiet lately. That's okay, they don't even know why they like me yet! I need to make an entry this week.
Shit begets shits. Dont you think so?
Posted using Partiko Android
I took these pics a few weeks ago and was hoping to use them to contribute to society one day. One is a human log the other is a bison pie.💩

I find it quite funny, to bad people downvoted you.
now that is bullshit
This is shit
I fully support this project.
And, !shitpost.
That was painful...
I was not prepared.