Icelandic Sheepdogs: Viking pocket dog. An ancient breed of small dogs that are able to manage large herds

in #shepherd3 years ago (edited)

The Vikings in the movies are gritty bearded berserk robbers. Vikings in reality are farmers with a Pomeranian under their arm. Not all, of course. But some part of the Icelandic conquerors was definitely engaged in agriculture. It is necessary to feed the army with something and dress it in something! Because they had fluffy lambs and no less fluffy
dogs - Icelandic sheepdogs.

Found the perfect job: on a remote island, in nature. Complete detox!

The watchdogs arrived in Iceland with the first Vikings in 800 AD. Yes, they stayed there forever, and time seemed to stop for them. Because modern Icelandic Shepherds are almost an exact copy of their distant ancestors. New breeds on the island were extremely rare, and in 1901 they completely banned the import of all dogs into Iceland.

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Now in the world this breed is not very popular, and the main livestock lives in their homeland.

In a limited area, these fluffies found almost their only vocation - grazing sheep. With a loud bark, the watchdogs notify the owner about a stray sheep, about strangers on their territory, birds of prey. When working with a flock, Icelandic
dogs also use vocal data. In short, they bark often, a lot and quite loudly. What to do is their job.

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If shepherd dogs are not allowed to graze sheep, then they will graze those around them.

Although dogs are classified as Spitz-shaped, they cannot be called fashionable pocket dogs. Icelandic dogs grow up to 42-46 centimeters at the withers and eat up to 14 kilograms. At the same time, the boys are noticeably larger than the girls, but both have a chic fur coat.The harsh climate predetermined a double fur with a thick warm undercoat, even for
dogs with a short coat type. And long-haired ones even grow a fur coat for all Greenpeace people to envy.

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Look at your man and look at me Again on my man and again on me. Yes, baby, I'm on a horse.

Icelandic dogs get along well with everyone, though they may try to herd children and domestic animals. And here you can’t do without biting on the heels. Therefore, a good upbringing is the key to a quiet life with these dogs. It is also worth immediately getting used to the frequent barking of shepherd dogs - it is in their blood.

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I dedicate this song to the heifers. It is called: "Quickly all in the corral!"

But keeping a watchdog is best in a private house, in a yard or aviary. Because these harsh dogs are used to sleeping and
living on the street or in a sheepfold, along with their wards.

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Are you sure that this is a purebred dog, and not a mongrel from a neighboring yard?

The health of Icelanders rarely fails, because they didn’t try to make a cutie out of the breed to push the sofa. Consequently, only strong and strong dogs with good immunity remained in breeding, which almost all these fluffies can now boast of

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