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RE: Spider!

My eldest freaks at spiders too, even microscopic ones. In fact all my family are kind of cowards around them.

This reminded me of the time there was a huge huntsman near the door outside, biggest I've ever seen. The girls wouldn't go in until I moved it, so got a dustpan and did what I usually do. Usually I touch a leg on the opposite side to make it move where I want it and it moves away from the touch. I had rubber coated gardening gloves on, so I gently touched the spider's leg and the damn thing grabbed my finger with all eight legs and bit down! I jumped and Angel shot across the garden, kind of like your daughter in that picture, a scream trailing behind her. 🤣

I felt the pressure of the jaws through the glove, but it didn't penetrate, thankfully. I think I swept it into the pan after that.


YOU TOUCHED A HUNTSMAN?! D: Damn that was brave of you, if that happened to me I would have thrown it into lower orbit XD

The only one I've ever dealt with was on the end of a long roll of butcher paper and I carted it very carefully out the front door XD Otherwise all spiders get trapped in a container with the lid slid underneath and they are then carted outside. Normally I take them out the front away from the house but sometimes (like if they're redbacks) they go in the chicken coop >_>

Usually I'm just like "J there's a spider" and he has to go deal with it XD At least I'm somewhat more accurate at describing them to him ("just a tiny one, you might have trouble finding it", "decent sized house spider thing", "kind of a big redback :S", "huntsman DX")

I really think it's just the way they look and/or walk, I know my brain hates the way their eight legs coordinate to get them around. I don't even know why I grew up with an annual crab migration and crabs don't creep me out nearly as much as spiders do (and there are some decent size orb weavers in the rainforests on Christmas Island). I think because I know why I'm bothered by them I'm not as bothered by them these days, but if you get overwhelmed by that creepy feeling well you end up with reactions like our girls XD