Shadow Photo Contest--Round 76- Feet Shadows !!
Now listen here Lefty i have told you many times before after a big night out in the town and we are trying to get home you must help me out here and co-ordinate with me so your not stumbling all over me understood Lefty , are you giving me that finger again Lefty you never take me seriously.

Only messing with you Righty come here give me a peck on the toe.

Category : #shadowphotos hosted by the lovely @melinda010100

Only messing with you Righty come here give me a peck on the toe.
Category : #shadowphotos hosted by the lovely @melinda010100
Thank you @pixresteemer :)
Hahaha, how did I know you would do feet shadows that would make me laugh? Love both Lefty and Righty, too! ❤️
Haha...You are reading my mind , well we had to start of the contest again with a bit of sense of it made you laugh :)