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RE: In a relationship, sex becomes a matter of selfishness or unselfishness.

in #sex9 years ago (edited)

Life is Complicated

I personally have a huge sex drive, this doesn't mean I happen to want sex Every time my wife does. Sometimes I'm not in the mood and it's strictly for her benefit, a part of life. Sometimes she's not in the mood and it's strictly for my benefit. None of it is demanded or forced, simply dealing with the pressures of life, around the schedules life throws at us.

There are times we're in synch and other times we're not. The stronger the relationship, the more times you'll be in synch. :)

Relationships Are About Communication, Trust and Honesty

and sex. lol The communication is the key, open up about everything, be honest about everything. Talk to your spouse about everything in your life.

The closer you are in a relationship, the more sex you're going to have and the closer you're going to be(reciprocal).


Thank you for your comment! I agree with you completely! The main thing is to find a compromise and mutual understanding. Everything will be fine!