Sex improves with time? Find

in #sex9 years ago

At the beginning of relationships, sexual activity is often intense and dominated by passion. Some believe that over time the relationship cools. But it need not necessarily be so. In fact, everything depends on the couple. Sex improves with time, as the pair get more intimate.

"When there is greater intimacy, it is easier to talk openly about fantasies and desires - and to perform them - without fear of judgment of another. The story that the couple builds causes unite more and more ".

Understand why sex improves with time

There is no doubt that the time may be and not against a relationship. "Intimacy creates a climate of complicity and freedom of expression of feelings and desires." This is why marriage can be synonymous with more freedom to do what you want in bed.

In addition, we better know our own body over time. This makes it clear that provides pleasure or not, what we like or not. Women also tend to be more uninhibited and less uncomfortable. In the process of maturation, come to care less and less judgmental.

The fact better know your partner's preferences and get relax the mind time to enjoy sex are also factors that contribute to the relationship improves over time. All this together yet facilitates orgasm, which no doubt is what makes the moment of two even more special.

The main difficulty that couples seem to find, however, is the lack of time to invest in sex.

The main obstacles are the distractions of everyday life: overwork, concerns the household budget and small children. How to reconcile all this and not fall into the routine?

Tips to keep the flame burning

In fact, maintain an active sex life requires dedication. Our current way of life has an exhaustive daily rhythm. "But we have to keep in mind that love must always be fed and be sensitive to that," I says.

The presence of children have decreased sexual frequency, but be careful that it is not quite scarce. In addition to parents, both must also see themselves as a couple, you need space and time.

It's okay to let kids with someone to eventually leave alone, watching provocative movies or do something other than normal. "We can not lose sight of that delicious desire we feel as we begin a relationship together. For this, we must have that attitudes help keep the flame of desire "

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