Learn what causes orgasm in a woman's body
It may seem that the effects of orgasm go fast, is not it? In fact, while the pleasure lasts a few moments, other gains are permanent health and even beauty. There are several benefits that can be achieved by those who maintain an active and healthy sex life.
In fact, every time you discover more benefits of the height of intercourse, which provides sensations of pleasure, well-being and relaxation for men and women. But not always the female audience can get there so easily and enjoy the moment. But nothing that some habits can not help reverse.
Main effects and benefits of orgasm
When have an orgasm, brain, muscles and breathing are affected, generating different effects throughout the body. The brain is the release of endorphin, the hormone of happiness, and adrenaline, a substance responsible for the sensation of pleasure, well-being and happiness that takes account of the body after arriving at the climax.
At the time of orgasm, the woman has her extended sensations feel contractions not only in the vagina, but also on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. These muscle contractions release a lot of CO2, generating an intense relaxation in all body muscles.
With all these effects, you can enjoy many benefits when you have an active and enjoyable sex life. The release of substances decreases sensitivity to pain, relaxing muscles and improving mood. Thus, it is possible to relieve headaches and body.
Orgasm also produces a surface vasodilation of blood vessels, which may increase the temperature in some people. With this, the skin gets a more fresh and bright appearance.
The relaxation also contributes to better sleep - and not just on days when there is sex. The reaction has prolonged effect because the action of neurotransmitters starts to act in the most regular form of the body and a larger amount. Stress levels also tend to decrease due to reduction in cortisol activity.

To get there, the woman needs to relax and surrender to the moment. image: iStock, Getty Images
How can women get there
The basic tip is to stimulate certain points on the body and find that you most feel pleasure. Every place with nerve ending has the potential to be stimulated and cause orgasm. In the case of women, the clitoris is what most centers that power, it is the only organ in the human body completely back for pleasure.
Often, preliminary are the main responsible for the female orgasm. This is because, as the clitoris is more external, at the time of oral sex or masturbation becomes easier to get there.
But one of the main factors that facilitate the female orgasm is to deliver the woman to the relationship. It is essential to relax and switch off completely from the outside world, staying focused for the moment and for the partner.
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