First date? See what not to do
The first meeting could be decisive in the relationship. That's when you will know the main features and the applicant's personality details. That's why you can not slip up. If you are very close and want to surprise, to show interest and let the partner will want more.
Who does not know the person personally, just conversation on social networks, you know that the first contacts are essential to identify whether the relationship really has a future. You should ask questions, show your intentions and keep an eye on the signs.
Separate the paper and the pen, it's time to write down. Below, check out a selection of tips of what to do - or not - on the first date. Suggestions create perfect environment and avoid embarrassing situations for both.

Talk about its main features and ask about the partner's personality.
First meeting: Tips to raze
Of course, the first meeting will not decide the whole future of the two, but can be a tremendous opportunity to understand what to expect. Therefore, it is worth investing in some tips and avoid that annoying weather.
Be friendly
Smile, talk naturally and try to find a subject that pleases both. Empathize is one of the necessary steps for the first meeting to become a success. If the conversation is boring and dull, ask something to the applicant. Opt for simple questions like "what are your favorite bands?".
Stay calm
Understand that this is normal and no reason to feel anxious. Take a deep breath whenever you feel those classic feelings of anxiety. Buy a water and drink slowly. Think that the applicant may be as nervous as you.
Do not try to impress
Just be you. Speak the truth and do not create a competition. Nothing more unpleasant than talking to someone who wants to be the best in all aspects. A healthy relationship is created with sincere people who hate and lies.
Ask enough
The conversation should flow between the couple. Remember to ask some questions to the conversation is not only about you. Encourage partner for him to give important details about their characteristics and preferences.
What not to do on a first date
But besides keeping calm and creating a pleasant climate, it is important to know what to avoid. Drinking too much is an example. Some drinks are released, but nothing to exaggerate. If you get drunk, you will not have the opportunity to meet the applicant. Ask some alcoholic beverages and do not forget to merge with glasses of water.
Using the phone is also not about anything. This attitude shows that you are uninterested and unwilling to talk. If the message is urgent and indispensable response, ask for a short break and go to the bathroom. No one likes to be exchanged for electronics.
And when it comes to sex? You may still not close enough to talk about it, but it felt the time. The conversation should only go to this side if you are willing to invest in a casual sex or really is not to waste time and wait.
And you, which usually do on the first date to be all right? Tell us!